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Everything posted by IrishModelRail

  1. I'd never even heard of this derailment! Great thread, well written and class photos too:)
  2. I have it cut out and tucked away in a book:)
  3. Another quick update lads. The slow runnnig was requested:) Seán.
  4. Thanks! I just typed them in a text box on a Word document on my PC. It only took me ten minutes to do all this. Except for the 'Working for a great service' poster which I copied directly from the IÉ website and the whistle boards which I got from http://www.railsigns.co.uk/overseas/ireland2/ireland2.html. The signs with Blackcut on them are for my uncle's layout by the way:)
  5. Hi all, some pretty basic stuff to start off my workbench. No elaborate building or scratchbuilt locos, just a step-by-step guide of how I make signs for my layout:) Now a few images of the LED display I am making for my station. Seán (IMR).
  6. Broithe hit the nail on the head when he said Genius! I always imagined building the whole Northern Line but never like that. I'd love to build Donabate bordered by two estuaries, the beautiful strecthes of coast at the Lady's Stairs and Gormanston Airfield, a busy Drogheda station with Enteprrise,s Tara Mines and Cement, then Boyne Viaduct and beyond!
  7. Thanks for sharing, very interesting.
  8. I have one.
  9. More like Seán the engine;)
  10. Some recent shots from the Northern Line lads, including my first shot of the Tara Mines since August. First off, 074 on the unladen Taras. This pased at 14:15. Unfortunately 074 was vandalised the following week. Next up NIR 209 on the Enteprise. Some mucky boxes (I believe) visible near the beginning. Finally a couple of 29000s and an ICR empty stock. Seán (IMR).
  11. What about this fantastic video from Clonmel. The best of the lot in my opinion:) And a meagre contribution by myself;)
  12. Interesting, I really must do some filming in Nenagh at some stage. Are there extra services being put on?
  13. Broithe hit the nail on the head when he said Genius! I always imagined building the whole Northern Line but never like that. I'd love to build Donabate bordered by two estuaries, the beautiful strecthes of coast at the Lady's Stairs and Gormanston Airfield, a busy Drogheda station with Enteprrise,s Tara Mines and Cement, then Boyne Viaduct and beyond!
  14. So your saying I buy these wagon kits and use the chassis for the cement wagons? That's grand, Thanks.
  15. Thanks Paul, I will purchase the kits and then see which chassis is right.
  16. Fantastic! Where did you get the rubberised horsehair?
  17. She was hauled to Dublin on Sun. 25/08/13 along with a MkIII Generator Van. I saw it passing Ardgillan at 12:53 but I was too far away to film! I was gutted:(
  18. Thanks but these are actual wagons. I only need a chassis.
  19. Hi all, I am thinking of purchasing some Irish Freight Models bagged cement wagon kits but a chassis is not included in the kit. Can anyone recommend a place for me to buy a suitable chassis? Seán.
  20. Thank you very much.
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