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Posts posted by Riversuir226

  1. I tend to model post 2000 but if I like something from a different era id run it too!!!. I started off modelling the IR era but kept most of the stock " as preserved" and I ll run this stock on mainline specials and have the locos around a shed scene.

    I also have a bit of BR stock which was part of quite a big Br collection that I used to have .

  2. Hrrr wish i hadn t started the rebuild now:mad:

    Have most of the big jobs done just waiting on new bogies and security cameras to finish of the build. Windows are still not finished but will be next on the list


  3. Thanks Highlander,


    I agree with supporting local model shops. Always used Marks models the one near rathcoole as im in city west.


    I always found Peco points to be actually more expensive, While waiting on payday im tested my skills with basic modle making with card and printouts, and even done my first tree with clump foilage :) a small start but a start .


    If your planning your layout you won t go far wrong with this software


    Definetly go with the peco points as they are streets ahead of the Hornby points.

  4. Haulbowline had a line from 1865 till the 195Os. It was 3ft 6in guage it was originally built for the construction of the dry dock but continued to be used for various duties. At its peak it had 3 miles of track & had 2 locos plus a steam crane and quite a few open wagons.

  5. For weathering theres George Norman of wonderful weathering, top notch work everytime he can be contacted either on this site his profile name is Georgeconna or via facebook the link is in the services section of this site. Anthony is another top weatherer and is also on this site.

  6. If your on Facebook theres a few buy and sell sites mainly based in the UK were you can pick up pieces on the cheap. There are often bargains on donedeal and other sites like it. If you want some of the more expensive locos most of the shops offer savings clubs I know I use this to get the stuff I want to get. Either way welcome to the site and happy modelling

  7. Thanks for the comments lads:tumbsup:. Nursing an horrific hangover since Sunday thanks to these boys so no progress to add:SORRY:

    Even got a pic of the team bus coming over the border!!!!


  8. Thanks for the comments lads:tumbsup:


    Rich thanks for the tip on the B5 bogies, i may have to graft the spigots from the coaches bogie to the replacement bogie as the heights are different by a few millimeters.


    I ve removed the supplied trussing except for the four cross beams and i ll be adding some new L sections, along with scratchbuilding the fuel tanks etc.

  9. George has done a nice job on his. Still unsure what to do with my two, might try and pick another one up if I can find one. Will be BR related anyway. Maybe Postal or test coach related. That trussing has to go though.


    Fran, give us a shout if you re still looking for one i know where theres a few

  10. The evil plan is hatched, one of my 6 euro bargain coaches is to be converted to a weedspray van, 5 are going into service as my preserved rake in green livery. And two will be for future projects. Let the fun begin!!

  11. You must have a rake at this stage!


    Picked up two today. Couple of people doing surgery with them on RMWeb. Following with interest to see what they do with them. I already have a Maroon Mark I rake built up!


    Just a little rake:p, they ll be sprayed green for my "preserved" rake.

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