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Posts posted by Riversuir226

  1. As far as im aware that was the idea Rich, the line was to hug the shoreline down the estuary with a branch to Dunmore and the mainline to continue on to join the Tramore line. There was also a plan to access the city side quay and to join up with the south station suppose it would have ended up like the Wexford quays.

  2. Jack O'Neill was a lovely man with an encyclopaedia of railway history all stored in his mind, which is in my opinion the best kind. He was able to tell me about relatives I didn't know I had, who had worked on the railway. I often wonder if the road bridge at Jack Meades pub was ever intended for railway use, wish I'd asked him now. Did you finish the book Tom.




    i did Rich cracking good read, it made be a bit mad about the way it all ended though :mad:

    I asked him about the bridge, he was adamant that it was for the railway, along with two others. I reckon it would have been like the Cork to Crosshaven line if it had been built.

  3. Some intresting interviews from Jack O Neill.


    I met him a good few times as i live quiet near to him, a few years back we walked to Tramore following the line through the fields. The whole way out he had tales of characters, incidents & answered plenty of questions that i had. His favourite story was the rpsi early days and travelling to the north on his days of to be reunited with his beloved 186.

    I was also lucky to know Jack Phelan and until the big move east in 2006 used to meet him quite often

  4. tom, fair play you always have a pot on the boil. looking forward to either egv or weedspray variety, though i fall into the heirflick school of yellow fever!


    Theres one or two alright, i chickened out of doing a weedvan i ve a feeling that using a bachmann rtr coach as a donor would be an easy one.


    underframe marked out and trusses built up


    Vs attached, tanks and other little details from the kit added


    Changed the buffers and added hoses plus pipes

  5. Nice kit Tom silver fox I take it?.

    Yep, i really enjoyed making my last one. First one with a kit built chassis though!!!


    I wonder would the mk1 under frame from the free carriage with 'Your model railway village' mag serve as a suitable runner for this?

    This is what i was thinking when i picked up a few of the coaches but alas the kit has better detail so i ll be sticking with the kit chassis and maybe repaint the mk 1s into black & orange for a "preserved rake" plus change the gangway for a narrower one and a little other detailing.

  6. I ve searched town for it but no luck yet, they could come in handy for a bit of scratchbuilding.


    Bought 4 today;), they re pretty good for the price.

    The Jinty is Bachmann according to the magazine kinda tempted to collect the mag as theres a few free gifts with a subscription plus the jinty is an easy conversion to a NCC jinty

  7. A little something to get me back into the groove


    I m still in two minds whether to make it into a weedsprayer van or a normal gsv, so i ll start on the chassis. I ll be adding bachmann sprung buffers and a few other little extras.

  8. Cbsc built a loco at Rocksavage, the Dser built one at its workshop. The narrow guage locos of the Muskerry line were named as well as the Schull and Skibereen locos. There was also Slaney which was used originally on the New Ross to Waterford line during construction but migrated West after that.

  9. Wheres this;)[ATTACH=CONFIG]8770[/ATTACH]


    :tumbsup:Good man Eamonn

    New Ross station 15th june 1978 as part of "South Wexford" rpsi railtour just before the station yard got remodelled. As far as i know it was the last Rpsi railtour to the station

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