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Everything posted by Tractionman

  1. that is a retrograde step, so all NI rail services will be starting and ending at GC? is the idea of this to minimise knock-on delays? it'll be a nuisance for those coming from the Lisburn direction, wanting to go to City Hospital, Botanic, Lanyon and TQ, all basically city centre stations but now requiring a change of train to reach from GC... so much for progress
  2. Existing Enterprise timetable now extends to Sat 5 October...
  3. Yes way more comfortable, plus a proper space for bicycles, the times I've turned up at Lanyon and seen a caf on the enterprise my heart sinks... They do nip along though!
  4. On point 3. I follow Translink on twitter, it's difficult to quantify which is the greater issue, train faults or 'operational reasons', both phrases are used as explanations for delays, someone somewhere will have the figures...
  5. In a flight of whimsy I did wonder if the services could be alternated between DDs from Lanyon and ICRs from GC, one from each for each hour if it's an hourly timetable... But then again perhaps likely to create confusion but at least then Translink could say that Enterprise trains are running from GC, to save embarrassment...?
  6. Personally I would prefer regauged HSTs!
  7. Anyone any insights on what happens with the Enterprise between 2027 and 2029?
  8. Monday October 7 is the first date the timetable shows a rail service from Belfast to Dublin without the bus
  9. The latest enterprise timetable runs til early October, I took that to be a sign, we'll see... The latest enterprise timetable runs til early October, I took that to be a sign, we'll see...
  10. Looks good, https://sites.google.com/site/sleafordmrc/LAYOUTS/club-layouts/bantry?authuser=0 Presumably it could very easily be recast to fit a different geographic setting and period, perhaps widening the market for it?
  11. Rail cart! Sounds about right
  12. Tonight Dublin ex1850, at Newry
  13. I got the 10.53 from Newry to Connolly this morning (Mon), it was a DD set, train absolutely packed, good thing it wasn't a couple of CAFs!
  14. yes, from Lanyon, but the Enterprise starts at Portadown!?
  15. Translink Twitter notified 'due to train fault' the 7.21 ex Portadown would be 'formed of 6 coaches', 2 x 3-car CAFs?
  16. On services using Grand Central, here's some news: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckgjdrw7zp3o
  17. if it is, from Monday next week, it'll make things a bit easier for me with the bike!
  18. The inf on use of railcars is still not updated for (from Aug 26) the 2-hourly timetable, eg there is a 10.30am departure from Portadown, not 11.06, so perhaps service this will be an ICR: Cross-Border Train Alterations - Passenger Information Priority: normal Message last updated at 11:51 on 07/07/24: From the 3rd July onwards the following cross-border trains services will be operated by non-Enterprise trains and will be operated by Irish Rail InterCity Railcar (ICR). Full catering services will be available, with limited capacity in 1st Class and restricted space for bicycles (2 spaces instead of the usual 4). Monday - Saturday 07:35 Dublin - Portadown 11:06 Portadown - Dublin 13:20 Dublin - Portadown 16:39 Portadown - Dublin 19:00 Dublin - Portadown 20:48 Portadown - Dublin
  19. Cheers @IrishTrainScenesI'm keeping a close eye on their website and social media, I'd pretty much given up hoping it'd be open by then.
  20. Looking at the TT from Aug 26, from Portadown the Enterprise departures are indeed every two hours, at 08.30, 10.30, 12.30 etc. I'll probably end up driving to Portadown and leaving the car at the P&R while I am in Dublin, for a few days, as I'll have my bike with me, to take on the train, and bikes are not permitted on the bus replacements...
  21. just checked again for my trip on Aug 26 from Bangor to Dublin, and Translink inf is now updated to say Enterprise Line Closure between Belfast Lanyon Place and Newry Priority: normal From Monday 26 August Enterprise will operate a new 2 hourly service Bus Substitution services will continue to operate between: • Belfast Lanyon Place to Newry • Return trains from Dublin will connect with bus substitution services at Newry for Belfast Lanyon Place • Enterprise Rail services will operate between Portadown and Dublin Connolly
  22. There's more now listed folks including narrow gauge, see https://clarkrailworks.com/collections/new-arrivals Eg https://clarkrailworks.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/kit-built-21mm-1-88
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