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Hadren Railway

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Everything posted by Hadren Railway

  1. I may, once again, have something which could help with that:
  2. And on that note, here is the more accurate version of the above drawing (It actually has the bottom of the tanks, would you believe it!)
  3. One thing I've had thoughts about every now and again is what if the 8 Famous Engines (and others) were given an Irish basis. And on that line of thought, the GNR Qs are an almost dead ringer for Edward. Large gap between boiler and running board, funnel's the right shape, dome's in the right place, round-topped firebox, even the gnr tender 131 runs with these days is about the right sort. The dates also match fairly well, so that's a nice bonus. Only major difference is the cab being completely off.
  4. Not part of the sale itself, but did get an old hornby D49/1 "Yorkshire" for £46, pretty happy with it.
  5. Having asked a similar query myself last year, your best bet would probably be the IRRS archives, who've got digital scans of some GNR drawings for sale: https://irrs.ie/archives/maps_drawings/ The next best option would be to try the Ulster Transport museum or the RPSI, who might have some of those drawings somewhere in their archives. There might also be some in part of the Manchester Museum of Technology's Beyer Peacock collection, but good luck navigating that (Believe me, I've tried).
  6. Only the best colour this side of the Lagan!
  7. Sure. Everything is based on some simple chassis designed using the dimensions of the Tri-Ang short wheelbase wagon and the medium wheelbase Hornby one (The same chassis used for the trainset 4-wheelers). Some of the designs aren't usable because I didn't know what I was doing when I made them, but all the ones shown here have all been printed successfully (albeit, most of them almost a year ago). The coach body, however, has been giving me far more trouble that it's worth (This is I think the fourth or fifth version so far). Indeed it does...
  8. While no trainsets on my end, I am in the midst of building the Dapol Std 4 I got, with the 9F to follow once I can get some maroon paint for it. (Also plenty of wheelsets, so I can finally start building up a good fleet of rolling stock with the printer)
  9. The 'Remnants of the BCDR' Facebook page has a side profile diagram of No.2 complete with dimensions. Alas, the drawing (along with the others on the page) lacks front and rear dimensions, but I imagine one set of dimensions is better than none at all. https://www.facebook.com/RemnantsOfTheBCDR/photos/pb.100067097693607.-2207520000../459327004151444/?type=3
  10. That's a wonderful model you've made of such a less well-remembered type.
  11. Good to know I've dodged a bullet, so to speak.
  12. There's a couple of threads on here that talk about using a J72 as a base for the E class, I can link some later if needs be. The new Hornby pre-grouping and Hattons Genesis coaches (whenever the latter finally release, that is) would do for coaching stock if repainted into the appropriate livery. In theory, a Bachmann N class would also work to represent the almost completely identical K1 class, though these were only used on the Midland in the very last year-ish of it's existence, which makes it's use on such a layout quite limited. Now, I'm going to be shot for what I'm about to say, but a Fowler 2p or a Tri-ang L1 could maybe make for a very, very, very, rough representation of an A class 4-4-0 (the L1 would probably work very slightly better, since the rear splashers are less wrong and it has almost the right windows). This thread might also help, though it is in EM/21mm, which is close enough to OO:
  13. They also have another article detailing how to make a Jeep from either the Fowler or Standard 4 tanks in Issue 7 from Summer 1994.
  14. I'm going the be crucified for this, but the MetroVick doesn't look that bad in Rail Blue, I kinda like it.
  15. Where would someone be able to get access to copies (preferably digital scans) of scale or prototype drawings for a selection of preserved Irish steam locos? In particular, I would be looking for such drawings of the GNR Q,S,JT and possibly V classes, the NCC and DSER moguls, or the SLNCR Loughs.
  16. Are there any existing models whose chassis would make a suitable base for an NCC mogul? I've considered using a Hughes 'Crab', but I'm not sure if it would work for this.
  17. Or a Jeep with their Fowler tank, for that matter.
  18. Quite an obvious example, but the LMS 2P makes for a very easy conversion into a U2 (hardly surprising, they were both Derby designs).
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