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Everything posted by Arran

  1. HI All Dose anyone have Pics of the Blue B+I containers that were also quite common back in the 80s on Irish railways. I've been asked by a good number of customers about this company but i have NO info on this. Regards Arran
  2. HI All Some of the partial decorated ones i received with the bell to see if i like the colours. Regards Arran
  3. HI All I would say Feb some time as the tooling is now good for go. Also in the same batch will be MSC,Maersk Old "silver" and Hamburgs sud. I will keep you all posted. Regards Arran
  4. Yes drop me an email through the C RAIL INTERMODAL website and you will go on the list. Regards Arran
  5. HI All As promised the sample of the 40ft Bell arrived today. Regards Arran
  6. HI I will look into that as theres time to change yet, as its only the sample im getting, ive come across a few differences on the look myself especially on the ends. The only comment i would have on what you are showing is the middle leg of the E being as thick as the top and bottom my info says that should be narrower. Some times you can look at things till your blue in the face and not spot the mistake as i see what i want to see. Regards Arran
  7. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/CRail-Intermodal/248366188521067 HI All Come over and have a look if your at the Warley show as you can see all the kits transfers and paints forcontainers on the Realtrack models stand. Regards Arran
  8. HI All An image of the artwork for the 40ft bell. Regards Arran
  9. HI YOu wont find any Bells Yet as im try to findout whether its worth doing a sheet with them on,i need to get sell at least 150 of them to make it worth while. Regards Arran
  10. HI All Got to http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/ into the OO kits and transfers and you will see the 30ft Bulktainers and transfers,there is a new current sheet with Interbulk and Bertschi on. Have a look and see what you think. Regards Arran
  11. HI ALL All being well i will have a sample of the 40ft Bell on the Realtrack stand at warley, but i will post pics here as well. http://wjriding.webs.com/thebeast.htm Also the 30ft Bulk container is something i have as a kit, i have enough info to do a set of transfers for that as well as the paint specs. The question is is there enough people to sell at least 150 set of transfers to do the run to make it worth while. Regards Arran
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