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Everything posted by Arran

  1. https://www.multimodal.org.uk/article/xpo-logistics-start-second-train-waterford-port Even more to model
  2. HI All Samskip were Geest the Banana people who patented the angled pillars at the non door end so you could fit the 45ft container in the maximum turning circle . The Oxford offering is a TESCO 45ft curtain sided container at 8'6" high but ive never seen one in samskip livery . Regards Arran
  3. You get ASDA as well and Those ones are 8'9" more for the Aberdeen leg . you can see these in odd places
  4. The more unto date livery on the Malcolm's , mostly Grangemouth to Daventry / or Drift , some run to Aberdeen as well. Regards Arran
  5. Yes Both HC reefers
  6. HI All Just to wet your lips with some reefers in OO which will be going into production very soon. The P&O is the mid 90s to about 2010 and the ONE in bang up to date Regards Arran
  7. HI All as these not pallet wide thingy's !!!! i think the ribs interlock on ships so they fit in the available space . Oh and the answer is NO .
  8. HI All Even WSI who i think is the model pic have printed all that over a std 20ft container with all those prints in the wrong place . I've only seen those on lorry's over in the UK but that's not to say they never have been on rail. whats the load ? Regards Arran
  9. HI All Nedloyd lines were about from the late 70s through to 1990 then the merged with P&O but like all fallen flags the boxs live on till they die . The Hornby containers for livery are ok "some dodgy colours and the rib profile is mince " and they miss of the roof numbers , have moulded on locking bars and are more expensive the C RAIL , their tanks are very nice and are basses on one got info of at Felixstowe. More OO this year and Nedlloyd is on the old style 20ft list of to do models . Regards Arran
  10. HI All Modelrail Scotland's back this year at our usual dates in late Fed. Details on the website https://modelrail-scotland.co.uk/ Oh and usual covid stuff applies so follow the link. it takes you through to the SEC site for info on all this. Regards Arran
  11. Arran

    Customs & VAT

    https://www.tariffnumber.com/2021/95030030 I've always used this code with C Rail when posting out which is exactly the same one used to import from China , it does not attract Any duty just VAT. Regards Arran
  12. https://youtu.be/e89UGtzitY8 Crofty has done a rewire to get the cab lights working separately Regards Arran
  13. All she needs is a light saber!! Regards Arran
  14. https://www.railfreight.com/railfreight/2021/08/31/rail-freight-service-to-resume-at-dublin-port/ Looks like Heads have been smacked of the wall at North Wall . and common sense prevails . Regards Arran
  15. Arran

    Customs & VAT

    Why dont you get a dingy "plenty laid up in Kent" and do some runs !!!
  16. Arran

    Customs & VAT

    So how come Way before Brexit you still had to do full customs and you still got charged VAT in those Isles on parcels sent ? or am i wrong Regards Arran
  17. Arran

    Suspension of IWT Liner

    Just the fact they tried to stop it shows the mentality of some within companies. If ive got this correct they stopped it through port road congestion ? or their crap management on the ground . Regards Arran
  18. HI All Just like any other but the lower part goes most of the way across as it has the flap that folds down to discharge the product in it. I think these had more conventional doors in case they got used as a general 30ft container but now they all just have access doors so they can change the bag and clean them out. Regards Arran
  19. HI All Could be as early as 1991 with a J plate . ICI wilton Regards Arran
  20. HI All I think Charlie does have a limited amount of BELL reefers
  21. HI ALL IFF came before UBC so yes they did , and Den hartogh bought out interbulk who owned UBC , and im not aware of seeing that name back then. IFF stood for International ferry freight which became IBC then UBC Regards Arran
  22. HI All The Bell Bulks have landed along with the rest and we also have undecorated of both types of door . The websites been updated Regards Arran
  23. https://www.trainshop.co.uk/electrics/21688-surface-mounted-point-motor.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwgOGCBhAlEiwA7FUXkojan8mlMElvSGguAnnLqHmwjIIpBqSlIN_IdTMb27bzGZkpuZ8mFhoC5oEQAvD_BwE Same as the Gaugemaster ones so i suggest just a rebrand of something thats currently available Regards Arran
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