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Everything posted by Arran

  1. Arran

    New C Rail containers

    HI All Just landed are the Transamerican spider tanks and the Freightliner 40ft reds. Regards Arran
  2. Arran

    New C Rail containers

    HI All Some new artwork to wet your appetite. Regards Arran
  3. HI All C Rail has new containers in stock Maersk Sealand 40ft hc Reefer Cronos 40ft Drybox Old style 40ft containers from the new tooling Freightliner Red and white and dates from 1979 onward and Genstar from the mid 80s. Regards Arran
  4. HI All Thats the freightliner in stock at C RAIL http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/ Regards Arran
  5. HI All Samples have arrived Even my Mum likes them! Regards Arran
  6. http://hatspics.co.uk/photo_expanded.php?id=7905035 HI All This site has some pics as well. Regards Arran
  7. HI All Next production from =C=Rail= are 3 20ft containers in Freightliner liveries all of which were seen in Ireland. They will be in stock later this year. Regards Arran
  8. http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/ Hope this helps Regards Arran
  9. HI All That's the website updated with all the new stuff. Cast 20ft OCL 20ft Genstar 20ft MOL 20ft reefer K Line 40ft std S Stolt 20ft tank Peacock 20ft tank Regards Arran
  10. HI All Oh No there about to leave the factory !! as well as the peacock tanks so if any of you are over at the DEMU show 30th 31st of may at Burton they will be on sale there. Regards Arran
  11. HI All More images from the factory for approval. Regards Arran
  12. HI All I will be doing undecorated containers as well for both types in this run. Some good pics of the CIE containers are a start in doing a model so some of them first then lets judge the interest. Regards Arran
  13. HI All I don't know why ive not posted this before but we are doing the old style 20ft containers with the squarer ribs and the advertising panels. The first 3 liveries are to be OCL, CAST and Genstar, these models are perfect for modelling the 80s onwards. The ones with the colour charts are from the factory for my approval to speed things along. Regards Arran
  14. HI ALL C Rail container NEWS If your coming to Warley next week end. We will bee on the Realtrack Models stand "As I am am 50% Realtrack" that B22 and B23 there will be all 3 typs of Bell container for sale as well as the New Bulkhaul spider tank and the MSC and CMA CGM 40ft highcubes. These are on the plane as I type according to DHL. Regards Arran
  15. HI All Most of the orders will be posted on Wednesday. Regards Arran
  16. http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=25_28&product_id=189 http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=25_28&product_id=191 http://www.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=25_28&product_id=190 Website now updated. Arran
  17. The Pic Site will be done later tonight . Arran
  18. HI All Well the Bells have landed So thats all the reefers 3rd batch of 20ft and 2nd of the 40ft now in my office. Pics to follow. Regards Arran Now where are the Welsh companies bells that were promised all those moons ago !!!
  19. HI All They leave the factory next week:banana: Regards Arran
  20. HI ALL Evidence of progress. Regards Arran
  21. Will be 6 weeks id say so as soon as they are in the website will be updated. Arran
  22. HI All That's the Bell 20ft reefer in production now as well as more std 20ft and 40ft bells. Regards Arran
  23. HI All The should fit all OO intermodal wagons and ive not had any feedback saying anything different. Regards Arran
  24. HI All That's the Bell reefer in production. Regards Arran
  25. Get 3000 orders and we can talk. Regards Arran
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