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About Tarabuses

  • Birthday December 21

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    Railways, Buses, Photography, Sport


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  1. It's a pity IRM didn't get its hands on these.
  2. @irishmail As with yourself, those two copies of Railway Modeller arrived with me today. I think that's Rod Stewart's second time on the cover of RM.
  3. Strange indeed, especially since I haven't received January yet.
  4. No, I don't have the January 2025 copy yet although I suspect the Christmas post might be to blame this time (being optimistic). I thought the delivery problems might be behind us when the November and December copies arrived fairly promptly (just 2 weeks late!).
  5. It makes no sense as the last two months have been sent Royal Mail, which is different to previous months, but the delays continue.
  6. It now looks as though the October issue I received last week was the original copy as the replacement arrived today along with the November issue.
  7. Our copies obviously travel together since I received the replacement today too.
  8. Snap. Our experiences run in parallel each month.
  9. I would think that your claim for two faulty units lies with Hattons not Rails. If you can contact them I'm sure they deal with this.
  10. Some good(ish) news. My September copy arrived today. For the first time in months I have the magazine in the month before its cover date, as is meant to happen.
  11. My original August copy of RM arrived today, 4 days after the replacement. Back to the paper envelope and post horn postmark.
  12. My replacement RMs for July and August arrived today. Still no sign of the original August edition. Of course the September magazine was published yesterday so I'm not up to date yet!
  13. I don't think the fault lies with Peco but rather with the delivery company which seems to have changed around the time that they returned to paper envelopes.
  14. Mine arrived today too. However I had called Peco yesterday and spoke to the usual lady who told me that they had problems with the July issue going to Ireland. I then told her that I hadn't received August either and asked if she knew what was causing the delays. She didn't know and gave no answer when I suggested that she check with the delivery company.
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