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    Engineering Maintenance Coordinator -Dublin/Ireland Region - Blue/Yellow/White Airline

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  1. Hi All, Looking for MM 121 preferably in IE orange livery and not 124 Only been able to find the chinese listings on ebay. Any help will be appreciated . TIA
  2. I've seen the tutorials for fitting the sugar cube speakers which is what I was looking at but didn't spot it was 121 decoders. Thank you for that info Regarding 201 chips first thing I checked was Mark's Models but missed the 201 listing. I see it now once again Thank you
  3. Hi All, Looking for MM 201 and 141/181 (Older run not the recent batch) 645 DCC sound chips. Can pay for postage or pick up in Dublin/Waterford/Kilkenny TIA for any response.
  4. Hi , is the 2021 still available? If so I'd be interested
  5. Thanks lads , Completely forgot about Ed great shout , I have passed these suggestions on, @WRENNEIRE Thank you, If I get a response I'll be in contact in PMs. Once again much appreciated and thanks for the suggestions. - Sebastian
  6. Hi All, A friend is looking for railway themed posters/Paintings - would be ideal something GSWR related as the posters would be used in a site around Ballybrophy. I've recommended them to check any of the shows/ trade meets coming up. Any pointers would be appreciated, I will then liaise with the colleague and see if they are interested. Any help will be appreciated, Sebastian
  7. If that is the case , I have went through all the FOI requests and combined some of them into a drive , should have livery diagrams for most of the fleet there and some other bits I'll re edit this later on and include a link to the actual IR website for each of them but for now : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LWvovoZuvtPY9e0hTs1nDd8HV5yhalBA
  8. Hi Chris, Not exactly what you are looking for but maybe will be of help, Page 18 to be exact of this FOI request from Irish Rail. Hope it is of some use All the best, Sebastian MODERN IR BRANDING GUIDELINES AND LIVERIES.pdf
  9. Just came in , They are lovely well done IRM team
  10. Problem solved , Managed to grab a 99 wtt on the Arrow tour.
  11. Hi all, I am looking for a Working timetable between 00 and 04. Preferably to include Heuston/Waterford/Galway I have the following that I'm willing to trade : - 2011/2013 Heuston (Cork/Galway/Wford/Limerick/Tralee) Alternatively please feel free to let me know how much is a good price TIA
  12. I wonder if an accessory pack with the refurb ends could be included as a snap on piece to knock two birds with one stone (Not the prettiest solution but probably depends on viability of making separate models)
  13. If you mean software then photoshop if you want to buy it or paint dot net for free is also brilliant. If you mean base then if you have a careful look through this forum or the Irish Rail FOI requests you can find technical drawings for the entire fleet in terms of liveries. Then you will have the shape with the proper proportions for the loco/stock you want. If you want to get into editing photos then there is plenty of youtube tutorials on editing photographs , some of the guys who do the wacky car photo edits would be of help like this.
  14. Hi All, Looking for the DC kits rebuilt Dutch van. In kit form or built - not a concern to me and we can have a chat about a price as appropriate. TIA for any hinters
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  15. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/771459591481698/ Lone "2600" for sale. No experience with this myself but perhaps someone may be looking for one , considering we had the full set recently go for 250 maybe some bargaining to be done
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