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  1. For this, I used Humbrol Spray cans, outside with proper mask, not in direct sunlight and no breeze. Took a bit of doing as the temperature in London was 24* but got there in the end. If you don’t try, you may not succeed. Go for it. We all have to start somewhere.
  2. I now have all 8 wagons sprayed yellow, I did break off one of the “Dapol Kadee style coupling” spring, these couplings are stepped and are neigh on impossible to replace the spring and put them back on the wagon. I gave up after breaking 2 replacements. So I snipped off the trip pin off the original Dapol coupler and super glued the knuckle / buckeye in the closed position. As these wagons will run in a set formation, the working coupler to the non working closed coupler from one wagon to the next does work. I now need to try this method with Kadee couplers on other wagons that have the springs missing, as I have a few. At my advanced age I find minute work very difficult with failing eye sight and stubby fingers. Des has posted the transfers, so I hope to finish my style “HOBS” very soon.
  3. The photo appears to have 2 power leads not connected to the + / - of the motor ? What is the tweezers for ? Some times when you take a photo, what you see in the lens, doesn’t show in the photo !
  4. DCC Concepts do excellent ballast, in 00 & N, small tubs to extra large size. Newly laid to weathered types.
  5. Possibly a better photo, also have a helping hands type as well. You need to physically try each type if possible.
  6. Went to cabin ! Good with or without specs.
  7. An illuminated magnifier is preferable, especially if your wear reading specs. I will post photo 2moro of mine, as it’s down cabin.
  8. Thanks to @murphaph Well worth the few £.
  9. If any of you had carefully read previous post, Email had already been sent to support team.
  10. I was hoping by now, having purchased 20 sets @ £100 plus batteries £20, to have received fitting instructions from IRM. Whilst I appreciate the guys are always busy, the website states instructions are available but regrettable they are not. That said, I trust that the instructions will very soon be available !
  11. Why not use Partial payments, you get up to 7 months plus deposit to pay. I find it less harsh on the purse strings.
  12. That’s a steal @ that price. Regrettable I have enough kegs.
  13. Has anyone bought these, I’m still waiting for fitting instructions from IRM. I have up to twenty packs to do. I could unsolder the leads from the pcb , drill two 1/2 mm holes in coach end, thread wires thro’ & resolder to pcb. Glue lamps to coach end, & pcb to coach roof to enable using magic wand. I don’t want to go butchering my NIR coaches, also various freight wagons, if there is an easier tried and tested way to fit them. Any help or advice appreciated.
  14. I have run out of paint and am waiting for a can to be delivered, also waiting for a set of SSM IE Auto Balaster transfers from Des. Progress so far as per photos. May not be “prototypical” but it will do me.
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