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Der Rechtsanwalt

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Everything posted by Der Rechtsanwalt

  1. This man claims to have proved that the alternative legal system exists. Needless to say, this only applies to the UK and has not been tested in Spain or Ireland.
  2. Shannon Foynes Port have announced a new extension to their port facilities to increase it's capacity. In addition to the reinstatement of the rail link, a new road is being built to link up with the motorway network. The total investment is €430 million. Funny how there was very little coverage about this in the national press. No ministerial ribbon cutting or press announcement from Merrion Street. I wonder are they getting ready to sell the port to someone? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Merchants_Port
  3. Thanks fellas. This is all great advice. I really appreciate it. I'll let you know how I get on.
  4. Does anyone know if Irish Rail will give out architectural drawings of their railway station buildings and other rail infrastructure if you wanted to model a specific station? In the alternative, are they friendly enough to approach if you wanted to measure the footprint a station building? Does anyone have any experience in this area? I've taken a look through local authority planning applications and there is not much there that is easily accessible. Many thanks in advance.
  5. When protecting intellectual property particularly when it comes to illegal sales on Facebook or eBay, the owner of the IP will need to get what is known as a Norwich Pharmacal Order in the High Court. Meta, Alphabet and eBay won't give out details of those who are selling on their platforms without one. The GDPR implications are too great for them. To get the order you will also need to engage a specialist company to carry out test purchases and prepare a report which can exhibited to any grounding affidavit. The application is made on notice to the platform selling the goods. Costs may or may not be awarded in these cases. Once the order is secured, the platform will hand over the details of the individual sellers. However, this is only the first step in the process as any further Irish Court Order to 'cease and desist' or 'deliver up' will have no effect outside the jurisdiction, unless the seller is based in the EU. The owner of the IP will probably have to take the matter further and issue proceedings in China or make a complaint to the Chinese authorities. There are very few legal firms specialising in this kind of practice and they generally charge about €450 an hour plus VAT. The Norwich Pharmacal Order could cost as much €20,000. The other option is to warn potential customers through a press statement that these items are defects or are sold unlawfully and will not have any manufacturer warranty. Generally, only very large companies such as well know clothing brands that have much more to lose take cases like this. In short the cost is just too high compared to the benefit gained. One final option for Murphy's Models is to complain to the Chinese manufacturer about the loses and seek some sort of discount on the next run of models. Ryanair have been known to seek this kind of compensation from Boeing over the 737-Max delays. However, this kind of loss to the brand is I'm afraid the cost of doing business.
  6. Thanks Fellas, All of the suggestions and advice is most helpful. I'll post a few pictures when this project is complete.
  7. I'm looking at doing a quick diorama using Code 75 track of the Dublin/Galway line. The era is modern. Does anyone have a view on the best ballast to use? If you could also mention the brand and grade it would be most helpful. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Der Rechtsanwalt
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