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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. Unlikely, as the lads aren't there this year, feels unusual not seeing the IRM stand!
  2. Jeepers that’s horrible - hope it’s all sorted now and that we’ll see you tomorrow!
  3. Some nice acquisitions this evening, already looking very much at home! Two of Leslie McAlister’s new CIE vans as well as a pack of the original IRM CIE ballast wagons. I didn’t ever think I would want the ballast wagons, but since my current project stretches into the 1970s, they are a must - fabulous wagons!  And it’s amazing to think what followed from IRM……
  4. I am assuming that’s ‘Brookhall Mill’ in French……..!
  5. All set up and fully functional! Grateful for the help of Alan Nixon and Kieran Lagan for the weekend!
  6. All packed and about to leave for Bangor. They really look rather undignified when they are dismantled and crammed into the car for transport!
  7. Very refined. Much better than the crude alternatives out there. Looking forward to drilling down into the detail.
  8. Hmm..... looks like Brookhall Mill has been removed from the exhibition...........?
  9. Replaced the batteries in my lighting circuits in advance of the show this weekend.
  10. @BosKonay - why no countdown widget on the IRM website? That gives me a reason to wake up in the morning.........
  11. The miniature film makers arrived to Brookhall this afternoon, their sound equipment wasn't working however and they only had a cheap camera with poor colour balance capabilities. Looking forward to bringing the layout to Bangor next weekend. BHM Cab Ride.mp4
  12. 100% to the BCDR visitors! Looking forward to hopefully meeting you in person MV!
  13. A few clips from the view of the driver and the passenger! First the driver: A Class Driver View.mov Then the passenger: Passenger Leaving CHD.mov Now two trains: Two Trains.mov And now three: 3 Trains.mov
  14. A very strange delivery to the seaside this evening, there must be something weird going on.
  15. JB I was thinking maybe a bit later, the branch would still be in GNRB hands until 1958 I think? A30 would probably be devoid of her silver livery by then though.
  16. This is just awesome! Enjoying the progress.
  17. A30 arrives at and departs from Clogherhead with a local service to Drogheda, in early CIE days. A30 at Clogherhead.mp4
  18. 1 blue NIR set left!
  19. In between work duties today I have been reading back through the main A Class thread here on the forum, reliving all the anticipation of the delivery date and all the excitement when they landed and the cracking photos we all shared. Hard to believe it’s over two years ago!! My 4 A class locos give me much enjoyment every day, even if I can’t run them every day they’re always there to admire and I have plenty of photos photos too of course Once again, a big shout out to the IRM team for the huge amount of work that went in to bringing us these exceptional models
  20. Silver A class - unbeatable. Pity the prototype reality was very different!!!!
  21. I’ll just leave these pics here. That livery is
  22. Cheers B I think I saw that one but am not sure if it's the updated one or the original one which came with the locos?
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