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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. Had a challenging week with family stuff there so there has been a slight pause in the progress on Clogherhead. But I managed to find a nice distraction: The two vans at the back are the two I received from John @Mayner and the others are @leslie10646's Provincial Wagons kits. All fine models!
  2. Mighty!! Congrats to you folks on the amazing reviews these locos are receiving.
  3. Two amazing videos there - so much to see, all long gone. And as for the H&S on the Hunslet tour...... yikes!
  4. Work gets busy in a few weeks Derek so gotta try and make as much progress as possible
  5. Good start!! In case it's helpful, there are a number of freely available kits which provide detailed interiors for signal cabins, the levers might be particularly tricky to scratchbuild in OO. The Ratio plastic one is great: https://www.gaugemasterretail.com/ratio-553-signal-box-interior-kit.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwxaanBhBQEiwA84TVXPkQPw7X7vQkjlmE00M0qY4YaD8WMvwEe5dDt_mSIbojbL3fQOsLlxoCWeAQAvD_BwE Then there's a white metal one by Springside Models: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/385656762946?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=385656762946&targetid=1405282543879&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1007289&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1405282543879&abcId=9300867&merchantid=6995734&gclid=CjwKCAjwxaanBhBQEiwA84TVXIwaxZPnZsMcBto3Plpb8ISyIaXEEUFd1_O1hIKxb7X9d-2dS93G5xoCeUEQAvD_BwE Enjoy the build!
  6. Further progress - the bridge is the scenic break.... this may have been done a few times before but sure if it works, why not!
  7. Last night I was as a ‘mod roc-ker’, into the wee small hours
  8. After all the excitement of exhibiting Brookhall Mill at the Belfast show, work has resumed on the landscaping of Clogherhead, using 5mm foam board as well as some thin card. Overview: Looking along the beach area: Looking down into the station forecourt: There will be gates here, leading up to a church and cemetery: A small stream will run down from behind the cemetery, under the railway, and into the sea: Looking towards the overbridge:
  9. Wow Alan and Gordon - that looks superb!!!!
  10. Nice acquisition at the Belfast show yesterday from the mighty man Chris Dyer! Thanks also to Dave Bracken and Alan for sorting out a slight running issue.
  11. Yes it was brill - great chats and amazing layouts and models! Yes the idea is that the mill survived until the mid-1970s to allow exactly that, a wide range of stock, much of which was kindly loaned for the day by Alan, Paul, Gareth and Kieran - super super models!
  12. Fantastic day at the UMRC show! Many thanks to everyone for the great organisation and hospitality! A special word of thanks to Alan @Tullygrainey and Paul for helping out as 'The Brookhall Millers' Setting up before the show: The GNR years: Alan's amazing BCDR models: BCDR diesel No. 28 in UTA livery, built by Gareth Brennan: Alan's exquisite model of BCDR No. 29: Alan and Gordon Hunt talking all things BCDR: The futuristic CIE diesels arrive: The final years at Brookhall Mill, featuring Kieran Lagan's superb NIR models: A Belfast Corporation bus pays a visit to the mill: Just before the mill closed in 1975, a brand new NIR 80 class railcar paid a visit: The Brookhall Millers looking pretty happy with themselves! Other amazing layouts on display included The Northern Counties Group's 'Fenaghy Junction': Gordon Hunt's amazing 'Donaghadee': And the very charming 'Nene Wharf': A superb afternoon!
  13. For the first time, Brookhall Mill has left the building!! All packed up for its first outing tomorrow to the Ulster Model Railway Club show in Belfast. Sleeping tonight with the window open, directly above the car……. The workshop seems kinda empty now…… If you’re there tomorrow, come say hello
  14. So I was sorting out the stock & road vehicles for the show on Sunday and arranging it with the foamboard etc into a sturdy box when I realised I had a need for extra space as it all wouldn’t fit on one layer in the box…. foamboard to the rescue again and a little overflow tray was knocked up The box will be used to carry a lot of other essential items for the show.
  15. You've heard of folks going snowboarding, or paddle boarding.... well today I went 'foamboarding'..... building up the terrain on my new layout: And as a further indication of the versatility of this material, I found another use for it, as I prepare to exhibit 'Brookhall Mill' on Saturday: More about this last photo tomorrow!
  16. Excellent - congratulations on the milestone!
  17. Working on the layout this morning and look what the postman delivered!!! Many thanks to John @Mayner of JM Design Model Railways, a very quick delivery all the way from New Zealand! These beautiful models were ordered specifically for this project.
  18. Wondering does anyone have an Accurascale Manor loco yet? I am beginning to see some impressive reviews…..!!!
  19. Beautiful models Ken!!!!
  20. 5mm foam board is my new favourite material for landscaping. It’s cheap (4 huge sheets currently £12.00 at Hobbycraft), easily cut with a sharp blade and assembles with PVA. Structures are very light and very rigid, an ideal base for building up the terrain.
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