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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Oh Lordy Mark, if I knew that..... It all depends on getting the time. I need to ensure the master fits together ok. Then strengthen it internally suitable for moulding. Build up the compound curves and joins with milliput. Final approve and send to the moulders. Do up the etch design for the detailing pack, approve and finalise Instructions written and designed. I'm looking at June.
  2. WHAT a video. 80 mph and utterly majestic, great scenery too. Faur dues to the BEEB. Pity about JC doing a Charlie Byrd on it though.
  3. Weshty

    30 Ton Brake Van

    I'll keep it at 2 for ye..
  4. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Great to see a few ingenuées for the International Bar on board. As for the loco, Cab side with grill Internal cab detail, dashboard, floor, seating and control handwheels Front with klaxon grill Roof grill
  5. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Well, as promised here's the buffer for the Sulzer. Needs to be bevelled and a mounting point added, but all done bar the shouting.
  6. Weshty

    30 Ton Brake Van

    Sorry lads, stock not ready just couldn't make the trip. I have donor chassis and the brass etches on order so should have stock in the next 10 days. The van will cost 30 +2 p&p irrespective of location address (England, Scotland, Wales, NI, Republic etc.......) so send on your paypal, cheques etc. etc and we'll see you right.
  7. Richie, knowing your attention to detail, I can't wait to see the photos. Roll on
  8. Wow, Loughrea kooks the biz, would have loved to have made it up, maybe next time!
  9. Now THAT is cool.
  10. By God but that beats the pain-in-the-ass, load onto Photobucket, cut and paste link Yuku version. Nice.
  11. Got the book in O'Mahony's bookstore in Limerick two week ago. It is an absolute joy. Great colour photos that capture the heyday of diesel in that glorious period of the early to mid 70's (never thought I'd junxapoint 70's with glorious, but hey, that's nostalgia for you). The site of cattle being unloaded at Ennis station in 1972 (Page 20) really makes the point that the past is another country.
  12. Well, the master gets put together this weekend and I'll make a shot at turning some buffer patterns on the lathe. Fingers crossed boys.
  13. "Junior member" my @rse. hah!
  14. Just checking profile changes
  15. Evening all, great to see nearly all the gang are here. But why did you have to traumatise me by mentioning the demise of Mallard's lovely bridge ;-)
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