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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. No bother at all Rich. I may look at producing a 21mm bogie equivalent for use with cravens etc. as well.
  2. Studio Scale Models produce a 21mm Wagon Compensation kit (Rocking W-Irons). They are €5.50 per set/unit, which includes pinpoint bearings and wire for the rocking unit.
  3. Is that an old six-wheel coach acting as departmental stock in the left hand side of the picture? If so, was it one of the ones that ended up in Mallow in the early 80's?
  4. Yup, it's in Cork alright. I get homesick just looking at it ;-)))) I've enjoyed the odd party in the houses up behind on the hill.
  5. Well, let's face it, to get into modelling, one has to be a bit...precise. To do 21mm gauge, definitely approaching OCD. To try making masters and models from scratch....'nuff said. Arrrgh! ;-)
  6. Looks really well. Studio Scale Models stock both white and red 1mm prewired LEDs that are suitable for fitting and come with resistors. All you need then is a flat 3v battery and a switch for independant operation. Alternatively, for full control you could fit a basic DCC decoder and wipers to the wheels. Someone did just that with a brakevan a month or so ago but I can't find the link.
  7. It's a 35mm original slide that I got recently and now use on SSM to illustrate the B4 kit
  8. Sorry heirflick, the B4 is the CBSCR Bandon Tank 4-6-0T http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBSCR_Bandon_Tank
  9. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    I'll put up pictures when the current phase of model preparation is completed at the end of the week.
  10. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Jayz Anto, must you must think I was a horse of a young fellah if that's the case. More into Holister or Abercrombie these days... Anywayz, back on topic. Last night was spent finalising the inner cab lining and tablet catcher spaces at the cab ends. I also sanded down the curves and cleaned up the window opes as well as assembling and shaping the patterns for the two fuel tank elements. Finally, the engine access panels were shaped and riveted prior to being fixed to the roof.
  11. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Great tune. I literally was in short trousers at the time (with an Action man T-shirt). Those of you over 40 will remember. Check out his profile on Wikipedia, astonishingly talented and with a strange and varied background.
  12. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    With a comment like that, why does Ian Dury come to mind
  13. Sorted. I will clarify where stuff should be added or ammended and PM you. What's the best way to send you details /updates?
  14. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Love that enthusiasm Anto! All in good time little cricket.
  15. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    The compound curves on the front have now been formed and the inner lining is being added. I should have photos towards the end of the week one further detailing has been completed.
  16. I've a different but related question to ask. Just looking at Kirley's photos of the glorious collection of locos preserved in York. Of the irish steam loco types that no longer exist, which two would you have given your left ball to preserve? No prizes for guessing my two. The B4 and D17. I wonder how viable it would be to make steel plate and fibre glass replicas of them?
  17. Wow. What a place and what a collection. A trip to York is definitely on the cards.
  18. Queen '86? The most overhyped POS gig I have ever attended. Pretty much everyone went on the strength of their Liveaid performance the previous year. An 8 hour odyssey of a journey to get there (and back home at 6:30 am the following morning), p**ing rain, rioting so bad they actually had to stop playing to tell everyone to calm the f*%$ down (literally). And to top it all the "fabulous light show" was utterly wasted as they were on at 7:00pm. Having said that, Chris Rea was awesome. Steel River stole the show. All was not lost though. The freebie "Lark by the Lee" a fortnight later was in contrast one of the best gigs I've ever seen, 20,000 people turned up and Paul Brady and his band made it an evening to remember forever.
  19. Very tasty, the only way you'd know they're a model is the large size of the windscreen wiper!
  20. Mint for €75? Nice appreciation seeing as the price tag shows £4.50.
  21. Trains, Boats and Planes in Cork for me. 1982. Spent my hard saved cash on two Lima irish green coaches, signals and powered lima points. Got them for my Irish Freight Set bought in Dunnes the previous Christmas. Soon to be followed by a Class 25 freight set (with working loco lights!! And a Bernard Russell record) bought in the Monument House in Mallow the following Christmas.
  22. Hmm, I'll put some photos up on SSM to show where everything goes.
  23. Has anyone heard of this delightful emporium that was open up to the late 80's(ish)? Would love to know more about it. Apparantly the owner is big into larger scale garden model layouts?
  24. Mmmmm. A freight, IE, IR and Supertrain version to be got as well as a weathered IE...hopefully.
  25. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Right. Enough of this chat about donor chassis et al. Here's what you are going to be putting ON your donor chassis. Need to start forming the compound curves and getting the ancilliary bits, but we're getting there.
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