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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. And "pure true"!
  2. Website uploaded, if anyone has any extra info on the brakevans, let me know and I'll add it on.
  3. Most excellent. A session with Dreamweaver on the cards so this evening to get those photos up...
  4. Veeeery nice. I was thinking,the lights on that new Paddy Murphy Freight 071 looks great and then realised.."it's an MIR kit build....awesome!"
  5. Lovely, lovely job, may I add it to the proposed Brake Van page on SSM? Full accreditation all round....of course! I particularly like the Works Stencils finish.
  6. 071. Nothing but nothing has such a ballsey look and sound. Hard to call it a she after that really.... B4 bandon tank. A beautifully dimensioned loco and iconic representative of the CBSCR. D17 uniquely irish and a great runner 201 Modern Power and elegance. 800 Maebh aesthetically elegant and strength to match Honourable mention to the 171 Sliabh Gullion, simple elegance and a beautiful livery and the re-engined A Class. It did exactly what it said on the tin, even if the design was a little bland.
  7. Mind blowing, superb example of automation at its best. They could use it on this line.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUCU2...eature=related
  8. Have to agree, but to misquote Fr. Ted, "aren't they ALL lovely buses...."
  9. Awesome work Richie, what cad package do you use?
  10. That mid '80's episode got right on my tits. Here we were, one of the first countries to convert totally to diesel (and american ones at that), and they deliberately go out of their way to make it look like a 1940's timewarp. At least the Quiet Man had the good grace to be set in the 1920's. And of course we won't talk about the episode of Mission Impossible set in Ireland, softcaps, grandfather shirts and a green white and gold stripe down the middle of the bar floor to seperate the "tribes".
  11. Looking at the selection of photos I have, it's a mixed bag, some have some don't (rotted etc.)
  12. Great work Wiggy, it's everything a layout should be, big, windy, multilevel and the potential for lots of fun!
  13. Sound man. The wobble went very well. Several pints of Smithwicks' finest and er' indoors quality cooking. Bliss.
  14. and here it is... http://www.irrs.ie/Journal%20150/150%20IR%20Signalling.htm
  15. Glenderg, that is EXACTLY what I propose, with a few tweaks to ensure the 90 degree angle between top and side, a coupler base and non wobbly rotation. Pints...58 minutes and counting...
  16. Hi Anthony, That's the thing, they have to be built right and aligned correctly and some modellers just may not have the confidence or skill to do this. I intend to cater for both, if possible, but my first priority would be for an easy construction. Now...countdown to Whit weekend pints at 6:00 starts now....
  17. Richie, I don't doubt the flat was a nightmare, it's a fine piece of work. I have a brass etch for the 42" designed that will provide a fair representation of the underframe. The main body is a two piece fold and slot construction with ancilliary detailing. I imagine that the Y25s do look small but they are reliable. The feedback I have received in designing this is that the wider whitemetal equivalents can be poor runners around points. I intend to provide the Bachmanns as standard. Availability of a more correct whitemetal/brass variant (WBV) would be very much based on just how many people would want them.
  18. Never mind the spoil wagons, absolutely class job on the 42 footers!
  19. Wow. That's a high quality donor. Let me guess, a butchered modern Hornby class 31?
  20. Heh! No bother, I need to make up some of my own and put them on the site.
  21. Sound man. Thanks for getting back and I look forward to using the photo.
  22. Well, I can provide you with working aspect signalling. http://www.studio-scale-models.com/Signals.shtml Regarding where it goes... To summarise Modelling Irish Railways (p.44) Discs/aspects control shunting movements involving running roads. Headshunts can be protected by trap points and a disc signal. They are applied where a crossover at a platform end provides access to a siding/yard
  23. Awesome collection. Something for EVERYONE.
  24. Agreed. Those rusted sliding doors......just sublime. Definite winner of the "These are small, those are FAR away" award.
  25. I thought t'was classy too, but now I'm struck with the image of a well-humped bird. Fek.
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