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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Thanks cg-Antrim


    And yes glenderg, the axeboxe covers from 30tho sheet cut out and filed, the outside W irons from individual strips cut out from a sheet of 20tho plasticard and the springs, 4 layers of 10tho plasticard. A very timly process but I hope you can agree that they look rather good, the hard bit was the half circle on the solebars, this was carefully cut out then filed to the correct shape x4.


  2. Hello everyone,

    Today saw the van getting its door and roof made, small details such as the door handles and straps were also put on the van.

    Sorry about the poor lighting in the pics, I'll tidy the van tomorrow and get it ready for the paint shop.



    Many thanks


    • Like 1
  3. That NCC carriage is beautiful, the rover damask red is a great colour, must get some for myself. A LMS crest in the middle would finish her off.


    best-laid schemes of mice and men ... Never always go to plan (I think, read the book last year lol)

  4. Hello everyone,

    Sorry I haven't made an update sooner, I've been very busy with the club and it's Easter running specials, but here we are, I've cut out the 4 sides, made the corner supports out of balsa wood, these have yet to be shortened down, and others you can see in the pics below, the body fits onto the chassis perfectly, next is to do the door on the side and more supports/frames on the ends and sides.




    Many thanks


    • Like 1
  5. Hello folks,

    I've taken some pics of my LNER wagon, it was a very nice build and I'm quite proud of her.

    You may notice that one coupling is missing, reason for this is that it came off during an exhibition but I got it fixed now.




    Many thanks


  6. The layout and rolling stock is coming along very well, I've never thought about modifying the ratio kit to make a NCC 6 wheeler (although ive built one in UTA colours) that's a very clever idea, as for the halfords spray, it's LMS crimson you want and I'll find it now which halfords can is a suitable colour now for you.

  7. Hello everyone,

    Now that the LNER 6 plank wagon is complete I've now started a new project and this time I'm going all out giving it my best, it's going to be a model of the 10ton van that the NCC had, the unique feature about these vans is that they have outside framed W irons, which stand out so this aspect of the wagon had to be captured perfectly and I hope I've done this.

    First up was removing everything from the Dapol chassis and shorting it down to the right length, then the sides came on followed by springs and W irons, the springs consist of 10tho plasticard and the rest in 20tho plasticard. So far about 4 days have went into the Underframe only because as you can hopefully see everything is cut out individually, the V hangers were also made from 20tho plasticard. Brakes and brake lever were spares that came from the Cambrian kits. And finally wire connects the 2 sides together.

    Now onto some pics,


    Note the brakes are only on one side.


    Looks a bit messy but I've yet to tidy the underneath.


    The outside W irons really makes the Underframe stand out from others.

    Hopefully today the body will be cut out.

    Many thanks


    • Like 1
  8. Hello everyone,

    2 months ago saw the start of the extension, this will give the layout a total length of 26ft with 18ft of scenic area.


    Holes in the baseboard to save weight




    Overall shot


    New end fiddle yard


    And this is the new bridge, dads been working hard scribbling every single stone,

    Many thanks


  9. Hello everyone,

    I thought I better ought to start a thread here on this forum about our exhibition layout which was built by all 3 of us (dad did most of it) (although you'll usually see me operating her at exhibitions) many of you may have already seen the layout on the exhibition circuit last year and this year so far.

    This layout portrays a typical rural station in County Durham, set in both the 1930s London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) period and the 1960s British Railways period. The railways played a vital role throughout the north east of England due to the high number of coal mines and manufacturing centres, resulting in heavy freight traffic. Passenger traffic, although less important than freight, grew with the spread of industry. What we are hoping to achieve is the busy atmosphere of pre-World War Two days, leading to the subsequent decline of traffic through the post-war period, when the railways faced increased competition from the roads.

    The latest exhibition which was the NDMRS Bangor exhibition in the grammar school saw the layout win an award for best exhibit.

    Here are some pics,


    The layout starting out, the layout took roughly 5 weeks from start to finish.



    This pic is from our first exhibition which was the first Bangor one.



    I didn't managed to get pics of the exhibition on show at carrickfergus but here it is at the first Bangor Christmas show.





    And here are some from our latest show,




    Thanks for looking


  10. Thank you for your kind words everyone who has commented, I appreciate it.

    And thank you for the information provided gentlemen, all very interesting, as I say I'm still learning.

    After the Bangor exhibition I am off school for 2 weeks and I'm planning to do a few NCC wagons and maybe another U2 engone, watch this space....

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