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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Hello everyone,

    Here is the GNRI cattle wagon, all complete apart from the roof and small details that need touched up.

    The 2 wagons have been painted and the interiors repainted, although not as good as my first attempt I think it looks okay, tomorrow will hopefully see the wagons weathered, couplings and wheels added.

    Many thanks





  2. Thank you glenderg and weshty,

    I was informed on another forum that the Cambrian 6 plank wagon is actually a goods wagon and not a mineral wagon so what I'm hoping to do is try and repaint the interior and try and achieve the wooden affect again.

  3. Hello everyone,

    The 2 Cambrian LNER 6 plank wagons have been built and been through the paint shop and are now completely painted, body (may be a tad too bright for LNER grey but weathering should fix that) and underframe. But whilst trying to paint up the interior I messed it up badly and it's going to take a while to remove and start over again, so what I'm thinking is to add a coal load to both of them (similar to the hurst wagon) and this I think would make the wagon look better and save me time :) my plan is to have them ready for an exhibition on the 12th of April so I seem to be on target.



  4. Evening everyone, more work has been done to the 2 LNER 6 plank wagons and they are now finished ready for the paint shop, I enjoyed this build not too much trouble and nice and easy to put together.

    The GNRI cattle wagon is now complete and just needs to have it roof painted.

    I've tried a new technique for interior wood and I'll leave you to decide how it looks when the wagon is complete, the interior still needs touching up with paint at the edges and corners.




  5. Hello everyone,

    Sorry for the lack of update over the weekend, I haven't been feeling too well lately but I am feeling a lot better now.

    My newest project has been this NE coal wagon as seen below, I detailed and weathered it for my dad's birthday (he's a huge LNER fan) but for some reason the camera doesn't seen to pick up the weathering very well, but I can assure you she is weathered :)

    You may be able to see in the background another wagon kit, this is the Cambrian LNER 6 plank wagon which hopefully shall be finished soon.

    And Also on the workbench is the GNRI cattle wagon kit which is now completed and ready to be painted.

    Many thanks







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