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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. I'll look forward to seeing them all, it's the same with us, our 7 1/4" gauge Bridget is undergoing safety valve repairs, and our 3 1/2" gauge tich is also under repair, all of these take time and need precise care, take it nice and easy.

  2. Hello everyone,

    Sorry for not updating sooner, but here it is, the completed hurst Nelson wagon and bachmann wagon.

    A fair amount of filing and cutting down had to be done, mainly because I glued the buffer beam/headstocks too far back resulting in the solebars and body being too long, but here it is completed, I was planing to have it empty but I didn't like the colour of the inside wood so I jus added a coal load and personally i think it looks more better with the coal load added.

    I followed the instructions and left out the brake gear on one side and painted per instructions, the strapping took ages to complete but I like the finished look of it, it stands out from the rest of the wagons.

    Weathering consited of some rust and oil stains to the Underframe and a light weathering coat applied to the body.

    Now the bachmann wagon, all I did to this was added some real coal and repainted the Underframe, looks much better than before in my eyes,

    Also what I am currently beginning work on is a GNRI resin cattle wagon kit,

    Many thanks






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