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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Yea they would have to choose their words carefully with their advertising slogan regarding Jimmy. I can see it now (Come on climb aboard)
  2. I think the over time would be more fun in your job
  3. Enjoyed that Fran I remember some of those adds the colour one's of course
  4. You are going to have to do some overtime Bud.
  5. Great photos Seamus thanks for sharing
  6. Give the Belfast model shop a call and ask for Jim
  7. Never mind the cabinet give us a look at Dunluce Castle in the background
  8. You will also get him at the Belfast model shop
  9. The K2 Mogul Richie is nothing like 461 it would take a lot of work to make the Murphy model look like 461
  10. I drove an Iveco Euro Star and a Stralis for 3 years a piece and I can't fault them. Back then the Euro Star was the only truck with a fully auto gearbox and a dream to drive then I got a new Stralis and also a dream to drive also it had no passenger seat and a flat walk through floor,fridge,pull down table and all the toys as standard. I don't mind Scania good pullers but I always found them to have a very cramped cab. The FH I can't fault either but I always liked the DAF 95XF a very comfortable drive. Have a look at the New Scania to be released next year its one mean looking truck I just hope they've made the inside of the cab better laid out and more room that it predecessors
  11. They are just simply brilliant to deal with
  12. I have to agree with you there Richie plus its the most hateful drab livery on the network
  13. Don't forget the camera and video camera
  14. The first episode looks at the creation of railways in Ireland, exploring how they over took the canals as the primary means of mass transportation
  15. Thanks Mate
  16. You have to hand it to them they know how to look after their customers
  17. I bet that was a pleasant suprise:D
  18. Next Monday evening on RTE1 at 20:30 21st Century Railways
  19. Thanks mate check this out http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1025-Murphy-Models-074
  20. Yes mate she is done exactly the same way here is the link http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/527-Improving-the-looks-for-MM-141-181
  21. Yes Eamon that's a RTR Britbus model I think
  22. Utterly fantastic Barl that's a really really nice layout. Fair play to you for posting up the pictures. Now if only we could get some more members to post up more pictures like you have. A BIG WELL DONE
  23. Yes bud they have been around along time but it still looks like an Iveco
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