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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. As I said Seamus there a god send when laying flexi track.
  2. I suggest using flexi thank and get yourself some of these there a god send http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/index.php?cPath=239_556_565
  3. Is it the Shed to the side of Connolly
  4. Why not keep it running around the outside of the room and have a lifting draw bridge or lift out section instead of the base board cutting in to let the door open
  5. Would that have been the come in have a cup of tea tour or the grabbed by the scruff of the neck tour
  6. BRILLIANT I got to get me one of these to hid on the layout somewhere.
  7. Great to see everything got there safely Frank, amazing to think that what was sitting in my paint shop a few weeks ago is now on the other side of the world. ENJOY
  8. I seen something like that out side Coolock Garda station on my way home from the show the other week
  9. I thought it would be more expensive than that for a European model
  10. Nice set and at a good price
  11. It looks a nice starting ground for a bit of kit bashing
  12. I do agree most of the people on this site have a good knowledge of Irish Railways but what they fail to forget is that the program isn't aimed at them. That is why there are Irish railway DVDs on the market for you guys. The program was aimed at joe public who hasn't got a clue about trains and probably found the show quite interesting. Personally myself I enjoyed it something I'd rather be watching than Coronation Street.
  13. Where can you get them?
  14. @ Stephen and Broithe. Thanks Lads
  15. The thing is don't try and cram everything into it. Your room is 9'x8.5' what you could do is run a 2' wide base board around the room with a lift up trap door like I have in Ballykay http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1003-Another-little-corner-of-Ballykay I would then put scenery on half the layout like an L shape and the other half I would leave with no scenery and have my sidings. You could then call a train up run it through the scenery section it then disappears back into the sidings and you call up the next train to run through the scenery section. As I said keep your layout simple if you try to cram every thing in there stations,sidings,buildings,towns,roads etc etc its then going to look toy train like
  16. Stephen what make is that station building as I have one I don't remember where I got it or any info on it. The layouts looking great and really starting to take shape more pics please.
  17. Sod off. Only joking bud couldn't resist Back to the layout plan some of the nicest layouts only have single or double mainline track. I think looking at the above plans you are heading towards what I call scalextric train sets keep it simple is my advice:o
  18. The class 80 was a MIR kit that I built several years ago. Very hard to come by now and I would say you would pay a lot of money for it. The kit comprised of etched brass sides and white metal detailing parts. I assume you need the angles for the power car cab
  19. Yes pictures would be nice
  20. Of course it is
  21. You might get the packaging that one comes in
  22. Ahhhh stop your making me blush
  23. He must have big hands because that would be one thick broom handle
  24. The reason there is a high demand for these is because, Firstly MIR ceased trading over a year ago now and Secondly MIR's last production run of the ammonia tankers was several years ago now so there are none to be had unless somebody stockpiled them
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