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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Great layout loving the Silver C Class:tumbsup:
  2. It was 083 took us on the nice day out wasn't it ??
  3. Great video its nice to see a little bit of Irish railway history that's largely forgotten
  4. I must try the silver David another thing I do is paint the fibre optic black leaving the ends clear to let the light enter and exit. If you leave the little bit that runs across the top of the inside of the cab unpainted it also acts as a dim cab light and gives you a nice effect.
  5. Kieran if you give the inside of the A Class a couple of coats of Matt black that will stop the light coming true the resin. Loving the level crossing gates SWEET
  6. Its great to see 146 back on the rails again after her accident
  7. What a great site some fascinating pictures
  8. Thats great Broithe look forward to them:-bd
  9. No problem mate sure you'll know for next time
  10. Any photos of the show guys
  11. Same here I had a we play about today with them and had no issues. Your coupling space is a little shorter than the Kadee magnet but that just adds to the fun of accurate uncoupling and controlling the loco. The mistake I made before was to use bigger Neo Magnets but the ones Stephen suggests work fine
  12. You are very lucky I had to buy a shed and move into it
  13. broithe.....were watching you[ATTACH=CONFIG]3856[/ATTACH][ =))=))=))
  14. Ah man your cracking me up with all these emoticons there just brilliant
  15. Very nice and a lovely paint job well done
  16. Fantastic I'm really looking forward to watching the progress of this build
  17. Seamus will they have to wave a white flag seeing one of you two will be riding shot gun watching one another's backs =)) @ Broithe The Glues Brothers Brillant!!!!
  18. I know when your double heading the like's of 141/181's it can be a right pain to get them running exactly the same with out one pushing or pulling the other.
  19. Yes mate would love that. I think if we ever have a web site get together you are going to have to give us all a computer course=))
  20. Nice little modification there Railway Lyons do both motors keep time with one another or do they run one slightly faster that the other. Also do you need 2 decoders one for each motor in case of overload on one decoder.
  21. Laymans terms Bud what button or handle do I need to press or pull:ROFL: On the iPad its still the same only the top bit shows on the laptop the photos are very very slow to load but they do get there after a minute or so.
  22. Some Redex to clean the injectors out
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