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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Sweet would love to have the talent to be able to do things like that
  2. How long will it be till you have oo scale beer taps with real beer flowing out
  3. Great video the roar of 071 pulling out of Connolly pure pleasure
  4. Seamus would it not be the other way around
  5. The Scot class is a closer match to Meadbh as far as I'm aware. As far as I know I think Weshty has the decals for the 3 800 class. Make sure you get the newer Super detailed Hornby Scot as they are fantastic runners, the Bachmann Scot has the wrong firebox shape. Drop Heirflick a wee PM as I think he has one and may post up some pictures for you
  6. I thought the injectors had got blocked
  7. Is it just my end or are the photos not downloading properly. I can only see a little of the top of each picture
  8. Have been on the phone with you for the last half hour and forgot to ask Hope your mum is feeling better
  9. Looking good nice to see you getting into modifying RTR locos.
  10. I always liked those NIR coaches one of my favourite liveries
  11. Stephen is that like a blog or is it your own layout website. Very impressive
  12. Followed your advice mate works brilliant I was able to sit 4 of them in a row on top of the sleeper and no issues with clearance
  13. Had a few phone calls from guys north of the border thought it was a problem with the internet up here sent you an email but no worries all sorted now
  14. Great pictures Eamonn keep them coming. How did the class 31 day go I didn't see any crash reports on the news
  15. The 2 photos of the tanktainers look to be on the siding in Dundalk station and that looks like the Harp brewery in the back ground with the Cooley mountains just visible to the left
  16. I remember years ago when the punt and sterling were classed as the same currency
  17. I remember that little stretch of line as a wee nipper I used to sit and watch trains as me mum did her shopping in Shopping centre which the line ran behind. That lines all gone now I'm afraid
  18. Cool Dave fantastic bridge can't wait to see it in action. Hurry up Stephen and get working
  19. Thank God
  20. £99 to is worth 123.47 euro at today's rate
  21. Please tell me it will have walls on it in case of a derailment
  22. If you were using it in conjunction with a point I would say you could give it the same DCC address and have them change at the same time
  23. Very very tempted mate
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