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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. If you had have got a power cab you wouldn't have that problem
  2. The Bachmann chip only works the side lights on and off (F0), #1 end cab light(F2), and the rear lights on and off (F1). The main head light's don't work with the Bachmann decoder along with the #2 end cab light. Has any one tried a Lenz silver in the loco.
  3. Was there from 9 till 5 Bud seen everyone bar you maybe catch you at Cultra
  4. No problem Bud will hook up with you again as I'll only be attending the Dublin show
  5. @ Garfield we should all call you the invisible man as any of the guys I spoke to never seen you
  6. Thats a shame MM112 would look great on that
  7. I love it mate it looks every bit as good as you said to me on Saturday
  8. Get a new laptop
  9. Get yourself a nice bottle of wine and wet the new arrivals head over Sunday lunch
  10. I must see if I can dig it up on the net haven't heard about it in a while
  11. There was talk of the UK doing a trial run of about 3 years running on the same time as main land Europe
  12. That is fantastic looking forward to seeing it at Cultra.
  13. Great seeing you and the family today bro did you end up in McDonald's with the kids
  14. Thanks for reminding me forgot all about that.
  15. Left at 07:30 this morning and only got home a half hour ago Bud but will get round to it soon. PM stopped me before I left and said he's looking forward to my weathered version also:)
  16. Cheers Bud great to see you again today:tumbsup:
  17. Night, Night, Heirflick I'm of to wet the new arrivals heads
  18. Sorry for your loss Noel keep your chin up
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