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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Call with Mr Bracken on your way up to me I'm sure he will do you a cracking deal on a new 071
  2. I was hoping you were going to say Ferrari
  3. Don't be a stranger Conor when your home and look us up as most of the guys that call to see me will tell you there's always a cup of tea and plenty of chat available.
  4. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen:((
  5. PM was saying at the last show that originally the second 3 would be out just before Christmas but he said looking at it it would be more like Feb/Mar before they hit the shops
  6. 112 and the 2 black and silver liveried 071's are the first 3 to be released and will be made available to the retailers at the forthcoming MRSI Dublin show. Expect them in the shops and online the following week.
  7. Here's the link to my channel Boss https://www.youtube.com/user/P90DLS?feature=mhee
  8. Flat out painting at the minute but will get some more videos up for you guys soon:tumbsup:
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MwDUo6rgdA
  10. It looks like a single action airbrush if it was me I would stay clear
  11. When fitting kadee's to Lima mk3's the #5 has to small a shank. I have found the the long shank kadees work best on the mk3's. Of the top of my head I think I used a kadee whisker coupler #146. You attach this to the chassis and not the bogie and it should work OK on tight curves. On another note regarding my UK stock I've started to fit a piece of wire to the locos as a coupler as the UK locos have a lot of detail parts on them and I hate detailing just one end and not the other. If a loco has the like's of snow ploughs supplied I want to see them fitted. If I get time tomorrow I post up a picture of my new Heljan WCR class 33 with the new coupler fitted.
  12. I wouldn't be holding my breath Stephen as Paddy says the 121's are on the long finger the very long finger (his words not mine). It wouldn't surprise me if we never see them as times are hard for selling toy trains at the minute.
  13. Sorry but I don't find that particularly funny Bad taste if you ask me
  14. Is the Deltic made by Bachmann Fran
  15. Thank You, should I take a bow:-bd
  16. The Lima Deltic's make between £20/£30 on eBay and the coaches go for a couple of quid but 70 euro is steep
  17. Put me down for one please and I will collect at the show
  18. As far as I know they are all 4 ohm
  19. You mean the PSNI as the said crime took place in Downpatrick which is in the North of Ireland
  20. That would be great Rich let us know how it goes
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