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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. And don't forget the odd class 37 and 66:-bd
  2. I don't think it will fulfil dreams after all its only a toy but it will be well received by the Irish model railway community
  3. Please tell me Des that your talking about the Sulzer =))
  4. He can always put a reserve on them
  5. I've seen them making that class of money on ebay Rich plus postage
  6. A bad week to be selling anything Irish train related with the MM071's coming out Saturday. Most people will have their pennies saved up for those.
  7. Great to see it all coming together mate and those wiring gremlins are gone
  8. =))=)) I'm staying out of this one
  9. Looking forward to this. Dave maybe you could post some directions up to the venue for those who don't know where it is.
  10. Check this out
  11. Fit another magnet or a small pice of steel (not lumps we don't use lumps of anything in fine scale modelling:)) inside your container very easy and simple to do. I think you might have to do that with the Heljan crane containers as well.
  12. Yes it's fitted with magnets
  13. I have one and they look fine
  14. Yes it will fit a 20/ 40' container and also the 40' locking pins on a 45' container
  15. Seamus are you going to the Wexford show or the Dublin show
  16. £4.99 on eBay for 5 and 75p postage
  17. An absolutely brilliant comedian I've most of his DVD's you just never get tired of him
  18. I've been looking of one of those for a long time can never seem to find one shop that has them in stock:(
  19. They are a very very small surface mounted LEDs about 1mm in size. I use them but they are very tricky to work with http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=srWyzhz1tRs&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsrWyzhz1tRs
  20. Richie that one is very toy like you would be better going for the likes of a kit
  21. Now Now put that big stirring stick of yours away its of a lot better taste than the joke you are referring to.
  22. I'll have to hide if she see's it
  23. I have a little Satnav It sits there in my car A Satnav is a driver's friend It tells you where you are I have a little Satnav I've had it all my life It's better than the normal ones My Satnav is my wife It gives me full instructions Especially how to drive "It's thirty miles an hour", it says "You're doing thirty five" It tells me when to stop and start And when to use the brake And tells me that it's never ever Safe to overtake It tells me when a light is red And when it goes to green It seems to know instinctively Just when to intervene It lists the vehicles just in front And all those to the rear And taking this into account It specifies my gear. I'm sure no other driver Has so helpful a device For when we leave and lock the car It still gives its advice It fills me up with counselling Each journey's pretty fraught So why don't I exchange it And get a quieter sort? Ah well, you see, it cleans the house, Makes sure I'm properly fed, It washes all my shirts and things And keeps me warm in bed! Despite all these advantages And my tendency to scoff, I only wish that now and then I could turn the ****er off.
  24. Good man Garfield I'm sure with all your help and advice it will all run like clockwork
  25. Exactly so why would you trust them with your prized possessions:confused:
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