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spudfan last won the day on July 3 2020

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  1. ‘Ridiculous’ system sees southern ticket holders forced to queue separately at Belfast Grand Central Station ‘Ridiculous’ system sees southern ticket holders forced to queue separately at Belfast Grand Central Station
  2. LIMA 205018 CLASS 217 DIESEL LOCO No 217 in IE Railways Yellow Livery. OO Gauge LIMA 205018 CLASS 217 DIESEL LOCO No 217 in IE Railways Yellow Livery. OO Gauge | eBay
  3. I see this on the MARKS MODELS site. We have acquired a large collection of Irish model railway items RTR and kits together with many scenic items. These are on sale in our Greenogue shop only. In addition to this we also have a large selection of old Airfix kits. This Sale is in our Greenogue Store only.
  4. One of those news feed items. Irish Rail plans 'bridge strike cameras' to reduce delays when bridges are hit
  5. That video of Youghal is sad. I remember going to Youghal by rail from Dublin to stay in the CIE camping coach holiday thing. These were carriages in a field on a length of track. All mode cons on board. Cooking facilities, bunk beds and wooden stair cases from the grass to the doors. To hire one you had to travel on a mainline train, so it was done to promote rail travel too. Don't think it lasted too long but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Going from Drimnagh to a coach in a field was a novelty to say the least. Someone had initiative then.
  6. The word "ambitious" seems to imply something out of the ordinary. So not just a loco on it's on, but a small loco with some wagons. So maybe a 401 or a 421 class plus three cattle wagons?
  7. Cross-border Railway Connections events planned for Derry & Donegal Cross-border Railway Connections events planned for Derry & Donegal “Railway Connections: Donegal-Derry” | Donegal Railway Museum
  8. Jouef. Elaine's Trains - Jouef HDI Made in Ireland CIE diesel loco 1306
  9. Probably just a minor bump, but there will be a lot of questions as to the "WHY". Investigation launched after two trains collide at Westport station
  10. I bow to your superior knowledge. Did not read the full description
  11. Oxford OR76BOOM03 Railway gun cannon Boche Buster flecktarn gauge 00 Railway gun cannon Boche Buster flecktarn | Freight wagon gauge 00 | Gauge 00
  12. Said it before. A small CIE shunter and two or three cattle wagons in a set. Hours of fun...
  13. "IXION" had to be returned. One of the motorised bogies was not working.
  14. Ex CIE carts were also used by coal men delivering coal.
  15. I remember the horses, the tractors then the Scammels. It was not unusual to see a horse drawn unit pulled up outside a premises, nosebag on the drive unit (the horse) while the driver was in with a parcel...not a scanner in sight. Don't think the unit had a tracking device either and I never saw on fitted with a tachograph either. Was not unusual to see one of the delivery units stopped on the quays while the drive unit slaked it's thirst at one of the drinking troughs on the edge of the footpath. Sometimes you would see a horse drawn unit pulled up outside the metal latrine that used to be there too while the driver used the facilities. Very quiet units with the rubber tyres but the drive unit could be a tad noisey. Marrowbone lane was cobbled at the time and the sound of the drive unit's feet clip clop reverberating off the nearby walls on both sides was a sound to behold. Funnily enough the horse drawn units were very advanced for the time. People marvel at the voice controlled ALEXA thing (don't have one) but these horse drawn units were also voice controlled. The horses knew basic commands and were easily controlled. High spirited units had blinkers to keep them calm. I mentioned before when I moved from Cork Street flats (very modern in the day. They were new when we moved in) to Drimnagh our furniture was brought on a horse drawn unit. This was exCIE, don't know about the horse. Yeah, fond memories. I ,
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