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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. BabyGM


  2. Looks like the case of trains, the guitars, and the Xbox will need to be locked up for a few weeks
  3. I'll be starting the junior cert in the morning the thought of a hornby P2 with sound is a nice thing to daydream about during the exam for if I do well, still as little as I've studied it gets right boring altogether and the thought of working on the layout becomes more important than oul romeo and juliet
  4. If you look in my workbench thread I did a conversion last year, it's easy enough though the tender drive in the dean goods isn't the best, I believe the bachmann c class is supposed to be a good representation aswell though you may prefer converting something cheaper. I'd get the link for the thread but I'm restricted to the phone at the moment
  5. Thanks Seamus I ran her in the club last friday on her own but i cant wait to see a rake of cravens or 1950s/60s freight wagons behind a double header. I suppose it'll be typical that now I have scratchbuilt this, Paddy will announce an RTR one
  6. The 121 is now finished and was just in time for the MRSI competition, just(The paint was still wet) I painted it in the original grey livery though I think I'll strip and repaint it as there are many blemishes because I used primer as the topcoat. Anyway here are some pictures: Transfers and wipers are studio scale models which are excellent,paint is Rust oleum grey primer and brush painted humbrol matt yellow, all handrails are guitar D strings and hand painted Brian
  7. Thanks again Murray Just out of curiosity would warning panel yellow work for the RAL 1021
  8. Great info there Murray thanks very much
  9. Thanks lads
  10. Hi guys my scratchbuilt 121 will soon be ready for painting so can anyone point me in the right direction as to the RAL colours or if there are any readily available paints or aerosals that are right for the original grey livery Thanks Brian
  11. Thanks Riversuir
  12. Todays project was a scratchbuilt 121. I'm using a 141 chassis and I'm also cannibalising some of the parts and details Construction is entirely plasticard. Alot o tidying up to do and the roof is a pain in the arse to get right The only problem during the build was the weights/cab supports on the no 2 end which took about an hour off filling and cutting to get to the correct height Brian
  13. Wow thats a great collection of websites ,thanks for posting them. There goes the rest of my day
  14. Thats some interesting info I never knew the scotsman had an A4 boiler, I also have another A1 that I got cheap that I'm repainting into wartime black. I never knew the NRM scotsmans were rare, thoiugh I think Hornby are re-releasing them soon. Hopefully once I get a bit of money I'll get a railroad one to give a bit of detail, trying a few gresley teaks is also in my mind Thanks Dave, I like the silver A4 aswell, I think hornby are releasing one as part of a silver jubilee pack soon, the layout is currently stacked up against a wall. It was progressing nicely untill I realised the trackwork wasn't up to scratch so now its just a bare baseboard
  15. Cheers Fran I've had a good look at a few threads on RMweb one by a guy called mick was especially good. I might get myself a railroad scotsman as a better starting point for improvement so I don't wreck the NRM one I'll have a look at the LNER forum
  16. Thanks for all the comments lads, Anthony your absolutely right between the linkage and the beauty of them its great. I have a bit of a soft spot for the Q1 aswell I think its just how they made such a good engine with the idea of cutting corners in cost material and maintenance Has anyone thought about Hornby's new TTS sound. I'm thinking of a sound P2 and perhaps railroad A4 which is probably less than some other decoders at £100
  17. During my absence my main interest has tilted towards British steam, mostly LNER. Here are a few of my collection that I have built up since lsat summer. Pride of place is my most recent purchse: LNER 4483 Kinfisher in LNER Garter Blue as part of the Flying Scotsman train pack NRM LNER 4472 Flying Scotsman in apple green I'm trying t turn this into 1930's condition so smoke deflectors removed and warning flashes will also be removed. If anyone knows of any websites that go into the detail of loco's at different times I'd appreciate knowing. Hornby LNER A4 Silver link in sliver livery Hornby Britannia 'Clive of India' Bachmann Tornado Hornby West Country 'Bude' as on the 1948 railway trials, which I have weathered, yet to be given a coat of matt varnish I also have a Hornby Rebuilt west country and old Margate built A1 in the works for repairs and repainting Everyting but the two A4's have been given a coat of Gloss varnish though I think I''l just keep it on the BR loco's In the near future I intend to fit my steam loco's with screw link couplings Brian
  18. Well its that time of the year again and the new F1 season is almost upon us Looking back on the thread it looks like most of us were wrong about Lewis Hamilton This year he seems to hope will be his year, fingers crossed
  19. Thanks Eamonn Fran, I'm not sure if the problem is with parkside the kit is new as I got it from them directly in Glasgow ,I suspect it may be a problem with the instructions or perhaps I just mislaid the piece I may have more 0 gauge stuff done for next weekend
  20. Thanks for all the encouragement lads its much appreciated
  21. Thanks Richie
  22. Thank you
  23. Hi guys Perhaps not relevant here but here is an O gauge 16T mineral wagon Parkside Dundas kit Apart from some confusing instructions and a few missing parts the kit wasn't too bad. Here it is with my Southern Q class Two more projects A scratchbuilt 4 wheel luggage or heating van And an A1 I got at model rail scotland for £25 that needs improving sorry that its upside down
  24. Good to see another update the retaining walls look great
  25. Great video:tumbsup:
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