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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Excellent work Anthony I love the NIR 111 fleet
  2. Thanks for the support lads Heirflick, Yes 286 is a Dean goods, unfortunately tender driven:((which makes for poor enough runnng, for the small curves i just used very thin plasticard or more likely paper and manipulated it into the correct radius the glued it on
  3. Your making great progress wiggy I love this picture I think it captures the cravens very well
  4. Thanks lads
  5. So with my exams over I was able to start on my new layout The way I have built the baseboards mean that when in use it is put on tresles and when no in use stacked against the walls Here are a few pictures [/img] [/img] [/img] And a few pictures of 186 and a meat train [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] Wagons are weathered using weathering powders
  6. BabyGM

    Barls Workbench

    Very good work, any more layout pics?
  7. In my opinion sound is great for about 5/10 minutes at low speeds with the ability to use wheel squeak, air compressor and brake release, however when eventually you stop shunting and want to run the engine with a bit more speed it just dosen't sound good, because the constant loud and high pitched sound of notch 8 on a sound decoder is unrealistic. DCC is great for lights and individual control but not sound, then there's the price:eek:
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-22805136 Here's a link I wonder how it started it says it occured in the engine compartment
  9. Beautiful work
  10. That last picture of 087 would make for a lovely weathering project
  11. Great work n the tara's ,hopefully the Mk 3's will turn out as good
  12. Very good the arrow is lovely aswell
  13. lovely work Kirley
  14. So with the demise of my old layout here is a smaller more portable layout It is 6ft 2inches bu 3ft 1 inch, name Ballinree and principally preserved steam Here is the track plan This is only a rough design so it will undergo alot of change The blue line represents a partition between the scenic and siding part(there will be maybe three sidings in this area) of the layout and the grey box represents platforms
  15. I agree with Anthony and Wrenneire, there are simply not enough 21mm modellers to make a model that is more expensive for the reason it can be converted to 21mm. While I completely respect and admire the work the 21mm modellers do on here I think that paying extra for a model because it can cater for there needs is not worth it
  16. Great pictures and video that was some screach from the breaks as it entered the loop
  17. Beautiful work , however I can't keep my eyes off that A Class
  18. Nice work will you get a sound decoder for her?
  19. Beautiful=D
  20. Great work it looks excellent
  21. Lovely stuff I love the story behind every picture, keep it coming
  22. Nice work on the scratch building and container wagons, I'm currently on and off scratchbuilding some timbers aswell but they are not near as good as yours
  23. Kits are a great idea if they won't take as long and are a bit cheaper
  24. I have 2 no 171's one renumbered 141 and both weathered 171 was the first irish model i got and has served me for about 4 years
  25. Good luck with the new loco's Des Any news on the ammonia's/flats
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