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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. This is my first attempt at a re-spray so far, nearly finished, I have to add decals tomorrow & paint the back doors at both ends, I know your suppose to take the body off but I've no idea how & was afraid I'd crack the glass so I did things the hard way, I need to touch up around the window edges & remove some primer from the glass on some panels, Feedback will be welcome guys!
  2. Hi Graham, I'm just wondering how much you charge for re-sprays? I'm looking to convert Mark 2 Gen & Restaurant coaches from 'Galway' to 'Intercity' livery with the black roof. I cant get them anywhere in model form
  3. Thanks guys, I was gonna convert a Hornby coach alrite if the stripes turned out to be white, if they had turned out to be gold it would have been a straight respray as trying to paint the line transfers gold would have been a pain!! I didn't know they only made so few of them, that explains why ive a couple of pm's looking to buy them!
  4. One of the Executive coaches had a bar & couches & arm chairs turned sideways along the coach, the other coach was used for dining,if I recall it had better seats & a more luxurious interior to the City Gold. The colour scheme was red & Gold, lovely train.
  5. He's winding ye all up mate
  6. Thanks, its the one train that a lot of people don't have much photos of
  7. Hi guys, I'm gonna chance converting my Mark 3 Executive Coaches from maroon to an orange livery but I can't remember if the stripes were gold or white, anybody remember??? Also do I need to spray a lacquer or something else on the final coat? This is my first attempt at a re-spray so any tips would be welcome!!
  8. Hi Arran Will those containers & the 40ft ones that you sell on your website be compatable with the flat wagons they sell on Irish Freight Models, do you know?
  9. Ha ha, thanks for that Patrick!
  10. You'll haft to upgrade your layout to a noughty's 'Celtic Tiger' era & stick housing estates & appartments on all those greens!!!!!!
  11. Cat litter???? I wasn't expecting that!! Thanks for the info Patrick, some helpful tips there.any chance of a close up of the stone wall just to see the effect?
  12. The layout is coming along fab! Where did you get the stone walls?? What material did you use to make the ditches/embankments?? Im looking to do something similar on my own one.
  13. Love your work Anthony & I enjoy the videos you post. I would love to see the actual design of your layout, is seems massive or have you just cleverly maximised the space you have? Keep up the good work
  14. Hi Guys, I'm looking to sell these 2 Lima Locos, 207 Enterprise Livery & 202 (formally 230) IE Livery. Loco's were never run just used for displaying & are in good condition. I'm looking for €140 for the 2 or a swop for a Murphys Models 201class Loco.
  15. Hi Kirley, wagons are fab by the way.im just wondering are the containers made from those card kits or are they plastic containers?? Are those card kit ones any good? Didn't want to buy some until I know what they are like.
  16. kirley15/Bogie%20Wagons/201012-08BogieWagons-ContainerTimber19.jpg[/img] Wagons loaded Paint and transfers completed. I loaded the containers with lead airgun pellets for weight. Timber wagons painted. Timber loads were built around foam squares to reduce the overweight and to stop these wagons being too heavy. Wagons loaded. Container Wagons in action. Timber train passing. Close up of the pocket wagons. The Wagon Project took a lot longer than I had anticipated and I am happy to move on to my Hunslet rake project.
  17. That is class!!!! Love the lighting very realistic!
  18. Ha ha thats what I would have done without yer advice!!! Great stuff, thanks guys!
  19. will do BosKonay, thanks
  20. Ok thanks for the information.
  21. Hi lads, I want to put a driver figure in the Cabs of my Locos but im not sure how to open them up, is it hard/ fiddly & will I risk damaging the Locos if I'm not 100% sure? Any advise, & pictures if possible, would be appreciated! Secondly I see a lot of ye have 'buckeye' couplers on yer models, what is the exact name/ code for these?, I didn't see them in Marks Models, The Model Shop websites probably because I don't have the exact name for them!
  22. Thanks for the advice guys, a good ideas there that i could use.I was thinking alright that if I was able to run trains on a straight track, that I could join another base board on to it but wasn't sure until now. I had more photos but they didnt upload, probably because I cropped them. All yer advice is invaluable to a complete novice like me, thanks again!
  23. its actually the 'display' board in the pictures that im looking to finish off, both ends in particular. i'm doing up this board/scene so i can display some of my stock.it's a sin having them stored away in boxes. A full layout will haft to wait as i don't have the room at the moment just a question,can you run trains on a board like mine or does the track have to be in a loop?
  24. Hi Guys, This is my 1st attempt at a layout so i decided to do a display board so i can make my mistakes on this, rather than if i attempted a full layout. At least any mistakes won't be too expensive. I just did a simple road & track section but i still have a lot more work to do. im looking for ideas to finish it off, i was thinking should i put a third line in or put a platform in instead.i not sure what to put at the ends aswell,a tunnel,viaduct maybe?? any help will be appreciated. anyway i used it to take photos of some of my stock that i have, The weathering was done by the gifted George at wonderful weathering. 20140419_155109.jpg (160.2 KB) 20140419_163252.jpg (120.0 KB) 20140419_163224.jpg (151.7 KB) 20140419_162314.jpg (126.4 KB) 20140419_162239.jpg (161.4 KB) 20140419_162230.jpg (169.3 KB) 20140419_162216.jpg (163.7 KB) 20140419_161530.jpg (126.1 KB) 20140419_161404.jpg (158.8 KB) 20140419_160147.jpg (127.0 KB) 20140419_155118.jpg (131.8 KB) 20140417_155635.jpg (143.9 KB) 20140419_154522.jpg (162.7 KB) 20140419_154704.jpg (162.3 KB) 20140419_163257.jpg (140.7 KB
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