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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Nice work George once again
  2. Sorry mate! I'd say Graham will do another batch if these have sold out. You should e-mail him.
  3. I ordered the last re-spray off Graham so finally after months of searching i got one, finally completing my Mark 2 rake but blew my layout budget in doing so!
  4. Thats great Noel, thanks!
  5. Hi Noel, is Graham still selling them?
  6. Fair play Richie, i'm trying to pluck up the courage to take the plunge, if it goes wrong plan B will be licking white metal dust!
  7. Can you go over that bit about metal dust again- you lick the dust right??????
  8. Beautiful!!!!
  9. PM sent
  10. Dammit!! Why don't you livein the real capital Glenderg!!! Fair play to ya though thats very generous of you to give up your time like that.
  11. The same so, I'm Looking forward to these!!!
  12. Ditto!!!
  13. Nice! Are the interiors going to be different from the current stock??
  14. Will try that DiveController, Thanks!, im using Peco Code 100 Tom as my Track, need to get the matching points now to sort the trackwork out.
  15. A cut up Mark III coach kit, chainsaw included!!!
  16. Thanks for the feedback guys, Better add Polyfilla to the shopping list!! inside the shed are extractor fans hanging from the ceiling & they are catching the 201's just where the roof grate is, a mm or so is all i'd need to raise it by, as i said the 071's fit perfectly underneath. Thanks lads.
  17. With the missus & Kids away for the weekend I started this new project.After hunting down this Loco Shed for so long I didn't want to leave it gathering dust in a box so decided to do a modular layout & the plan is to wire it up so i can move the Loco's in & out of the shed using a 'shuttle' system. The tracks are just laid down loose so i know what type of points & curves i need.i also need more Ballast mat so i just have a few smaller pieces down loose to give me an idea. im not really sure what to do with the right hand side of the Loco shed where the '5th' road is, maybe a freight yard or put down a road instead of track??? any suggestions i'd welcome. My next step is finish the ballast & buy all the tracks/points that are needed then tackle the ditches.I plan to put a hut beside the Loco shed besides the 1st road going flush with the ditch & put a stone wall on the flat part of the ditch beside the hut. I want to do a concrete floor in the loco shed but was wondering what the best material to use for this effect? Also the 201 class Locos don't fit in to the shed whereas the 071/141/181 locos do so i'm gonna haft to raise the shed doh! as I said any sugestions, tips are very welcome, hope i'm doing it right!!! :
  18. Rivet Counters?? What's Paddy's take on things at the moment?
  19. Holy S@#t absolutely stunning!!!!! So realistic, outstanding George!
  20. Tell me about it!! I've been looking for months for both, i managed to get the Restaurant coach off Chris Dyer a while back & he was down to his last one then.
  21. That Mark II Gen van went for £80 sterling!!!!!!!! Think i'll wait for Paddy's 'Supertrain' one & modify it!!
  22. Looking forward to seeing your blog Glenderg, thanks.
  23. Thats great!!i'll give it a lash as they say!!
  24. Weshty can i ask- as someone who has never put together a kit or airfix model before would a complete novice manage these kits or would i be better off getting some RTR ones?????? (will you be selling any RTR wagons??)
  25. The reason why the government threw money at IE to buy all those ICRs was because of EU rules, you could no longer allow raw sewage to be flushed on to the tracks & a minimum requirement for wheelchair access in each coach, the cost of converting 'old' stock v buying new stock ( taking in to account these new trains would eliminate guards, shunters, TTCs, turnarounds etc) then as a business case it made sense. In reality though......!!!! By the way those ICRs are far from fuel efficient compared to Loco hauled trains, you have an engine & generator under each coach running at full pelt, up to a certain number of coaches they are but anything from say a 6 piece & up, they are not. We mightn't like it but unfortunately the accountants are running the railway so heritage, nostalgia goes out the window
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