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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. You've some following!!
  2. Tried to separate the body on a Lima coach today, got the gangway ends off no bother but when i tried pushing on the glazing (on the doors) & it cracked. I used a flathead screwdriver & started pushing gently but it wouldn't budge so tried a little bit harder. It cracked off before there was even any sign of it loosening! Have i missed something?
  3. you've only gone & caused the site to crash BosKonay!!! "We'll be back shortly...due to high traffic"!!!!!
  4. Congrats to all the Staff!
  5. I'd be delighted if you did aswell Glenderg. I tried one recently (i was darkening the orange livery on a IE Lima Restaurant car) using a spray can as i don't have an airbrush, it came out alright but the stripes broke my heart using transfers.i would be interested to see how you would do it
  6. Brilliant!! Great to see proper train lengths aswell
  7. Studio scale models do transfers like 'an Post' one example isyou could paint some green & apply the an Post transfers
  8. Nice Job, looks the Bees Knees!!!
  9. Oh God... at least it will be made of plastic like the real thing!!!!
  10. If a Mark IV DVT was being produced i would want it done right (Directional lights etc) & with the matching coaches otherwise your taking a huge gamble on an inferior model. The bar has been raised by Murphy's Models & i would like to keep it there!!!
  11. Plan B would be Lego!!!
  12. I think the 121 is the obvious choice as most folk would buy at least 2 of them to use as double headers, i'd buy 2 to start with, i personally would love to see RTR bulk & bubble cements as well as Mark 4's to complement Paddys 201's but this is me, i'll buy any his products as they are all top quality products!
  13. Fantastic, love your work Kirley
  14. I'll try that & see how it works out
  15. Thanks B.T.B & BosK for the tip , do you glue the track to the foam then or do you use pins?? By the way i bought the wrong size track for the missing piece of track hence the gap at the top!
  16. I managed to get more work done on my Loco shed, laying the track,ballast, as well as getting the ditches done, its far from finished as i have a lot of furniture & fictures to be got & put in to the layout, any ideas/ comments are welcome
  17. Phew!!
  18. Wow!! Stunning work there, your attention to detail is second to none, i love watching your videos, more please!!!
  19. Holy Jasus! tis like a model shop in there!!!!!!!!! Wow that's some collection, & so neatly stored!! layout is coming along nicely, looking forward to seeing this one's progression.
  20. Does this mean bad news for the shop in Cork? I hope not, they're brilliant to deal with
  21. Thanks Irishthump, looks very realistic.
  22. I love it!! Brilliant layout, looks fab! What did you use for the concrete on the loco shed floor can i ask, im looking to do that exact finish in my loco shed,
  23. I was told that by a maintenance manager a few months ago but thought it was just another rumour which the railway runs on. First step in the move to privatise the railways (actually the second step when you include the splitting of the company in to 'Infastructure' & 'Operations'
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