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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. I haven't been doing much modelling lately for various reasons including work & kids on mid-term but got my 5 Mark II 'Galway' coaches back from weathering, love the results, here are a few shots of them with the River Corrib herself! Apologies for the poor resolution, light in the Attic isn't great! [ATTACH]18685[/ATTACH]
  2. Nice one Des, have been looking for these for ages
  3. Here, here Wrenneire, if anyone thinks they can do a better job then best of luck, you'll need it. I'll continue to support Murphy's Models & his (hopefully ) any future releases!
  4. That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks Kirley!!
  5. Can you post a close up shot of the valve housing box Kirley for me if you get a chance please? I'm jealous of your progress!! They look great! It's a fantastic kit alright!
  6. Your a busy man!!! The tankers look great!
  7. Just stunning Bos, can't wait to see more!!
  8. How did I miss this???? Thanks Warbonnet!
  9. What about my Cu Na Mara's!!!!!!! It's just a bit of fun , as was said everyone is free to do their own survey, well done Noel!
  10. Congratulations & kiss goodbye to modelling for a few years!!!!!!
  11. If you add the purple & maroon swirls & a black stripe along the side your're not too far off the new enterprise livery!!!
  12. How long before one comes out of your paint shop Ant???????
  13. Thanks for that Kirley just the job, Any help is greatly appreciated so that would be great aswell Weshty.
  14. This is my progress so far & ive just realized i put the buffers on before the buffer plates - doh!!! Anyone know how to un-do super glue!!! Im struggling with the detailing underneath (Steps 15 - 21) i could do with photos to guide me through it if anybody photo catalogued their progress. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
  15. Great job there Kirley, all work on my ones has stalled for the moment due to awkward shifts/footie & two demanding little princesses!!! Looking forward to seeing how you progress with them!
  16. Got most of the body work done but have the detailing left to do which is the most time consuming. Kids are back so god only knows when i get the time to finish it off. I don't know how guys get the time!!
  17. Nice job!! Looks the business there Tom!
  18. Cheers Tom,
  19. These baby's arrived yesterday by post so can't wait to start them. I'm a bit nervous as I've never even put an air fix kit together but Des assures me i'll be fine. His instructions are clear & precise to be fair & he has thought of everything! Wish me luck!!!
  20. Lovely layout, inspection car is class, great job!
  21. .....& it's 100mph over that stretch!
  22. That's absolutely majestic Bos!! but if i were you i'd have the signalman horizontal on a couch if my experience of them is anything to go by!!!!
  23. I think if they kept the yellow design the same as the intercity/233 enterprise locos with the full yellow front & black outline then it would look much better. I agree the curve at the bottom is different on both ends. I remember seeing 228 coming out of the paint shop after being the first to get the green intercity livery & the yellow at the front didn't curve but went straight across like 230. They didn't like it so changed it to a curve a few days later so this mighten be the finished livery yet.
  24. Proof that they do wash Loco's occasionally!! 226 spare in Cork today
  25. Brilliant! Love the stories in the layout Noel!
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