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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Nice job!
  2. rebelred

    Happy Christmas

    Happy Christmas lads, take a well earned break for a day or two!! delighted to be part of this group,many thanks to all those involved in such a great site!
  3. Hi Lads, I'm looking to swop these for modern IE coaches , or freight wagons if anybody is interested???? They are in perfect condition, never used, they just don't fit in with my era of rolling stock.
  4. Unopened??? He should have looked at the photo he posted up first!!
  5. Best of luck with your new baby!!! Looking forward to seeing your transformation, enjoy!! Now if i could convince my missus to get a Man- Shed........
  6. Nice job, its looking well! I love your layout aswell!
  7. We used to call the 2700's S@*t buckets, does that count????
  8. Very Nice!! Where did you get the Decals of the new Logo Ant?
  9. The Loco & Driver will be hired from IE like the recent Preservation Societys cravens tour so whatever Loco is available will be used.
  10. You've such a wonderful array of rolling stock/trains Noel, love it!!
  11. Nice job!! I'd hate to be doing a rake of 10 if thats the case with the Burs!!!
  12. [attach=config]16446 i've no idea why the photos are coming out upside down, ive rotated them & they're still the wrong way up, it's a lot easier loading photos on a laptop rather than a tablet
  13. My Homework this week as well as putting in a concrete floor in the shed.Not finished painting these yet & i keep changing the track layout as im not happy with it. Ive a new found respect for lads here with multiple roads,branches & points!!!!
  14. Im with the lads on this, if this was OO gauge i'd be raving about the attention to detail but the fact its in N gauge is truly amazing work!!!! Well done!
  15. Cheers Tom,
  16. I can't wait for these babies, fair play to you Des!
  17. I prefer 'Rail Lingus'!!!!!!
  18. Happy Christmas to you too Anthony, love your videos, here's to plenty more in 2015!!
  19. Coming along nicely so they are, super job!
  20. I'll believe it when i see it!!
  21. 50 PLUS!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Jasus thats a lot of maintenance Tom!
  22. I was driving a real 201 earlier & it was making funny noises, any ideas how to service it- answers to maintenance dept, Irish Rail!!!!! Cheers for the post Tom
  23. You must have the patience of a saint!!
  24. Unbelievable Jeff!! Brilliant work, love it!!!
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