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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Ha! They're handsome aul slobs, pity could have been a deal otherwise!!!
  2. Stunning!!i'd buy it in the morning if i had the room (& wouldn't be divorced!!) Lovely work Dave, by the way- does the dog come with the layout!!!!!
  3. I got 203 & 230 'returned to service' after spending a few weeks in Georgeconna's skilled hands!!!! Meanwhile Lima 201 is being 'stored' in my siding due to excess Loco availability.....
  4. I got it from Marks Models Al, no i've not got point motors at the moment.
  5. You're along way from 'home'!!!!
  6. Thanks Scha, im currently researching how to weather the track without an air brush but if any one has any advice or tips i'll gladly take it on board, Alan i just used a ballast sheet & i'll be spreading loose ballast in between the sleepers with adhesive to bond it before i attempt to weather it. I was originally gonna use Noch underlay but it didn't look right in a loco shed enviroment so scrapped it. I tacked the track down using 12mm nails- the track pins i got wouldn't penetrate the baseboard & kept bending. Hope that helps.
  7. Those days feel like a lifetime ago!! Gone are the days where you could take your pick of class of Loco to shunt with!
  8. Models look great, hope they run as well as they look!
  9. Thanks for the comments lads, appreciate them, Cheers Weshty, i've incorporated a siding for my broken/dis-used Loco's which is where the A class sits so i faded the panels to reflect this (I'll be shunting a Lima 201 Loco in there very soon that looks the part- watch this space!) I've a bit more detailing to do yet & i'm gonna try tackle the track with ballast walkways & weathering if i can. Any advice as always is very welcome
  10. Some more progress on my Shed....
  11. Noel, you obviously don't know Jerry Whistler & his love of 'Green Goddesses'!!!!!!!
  12. No Tom, they came from the siding at the end of the coaching yard, they were moved a good few weeks ago to facilitate the re-laying of the road in there.
  13. Here's some photos of the flat wagons currently in Kent Station, they might help some of ye with detailing your models.
  14. Brilliant layout, love the construction site!!!! Looking forward to seeing your updated video
  15. Wow Kirley, you've done more work in one year than most of us put together!! Super work & i too hope that they are not your last.
  16. Super work Tom,are you gonna get them weathered?
  17. Contact Tom Ryan on I.R.P.A.P, He's a current Driver but has loads of great photos from that era, he put up photos recently of traffic into Tivoli sidings. PM him
  18. 3 of them but i got the best one! Thanks lads, yeah DiveC, the 201's fit perfectly underneath now, i put filler down as a concrete floor which gave me an extra few mm's as you suggested so sorted that problem.Thanks for that again!
  19. rebelred

    Happy Christmas

    Can't wait for these, fair play to you for all your hard work getting these ready, im sure they'll be worth it!
  20. rebelred

    Happy Christmas

    She's a keeper!!!!!!
  21. 've finally won the missus round with this modelling lark (despite taking over her kitchen table for a few days using it as a workbench!!) & she bought me 078 in battleship grey for xmas- she's opened a Pandora's Box now, no going back!
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