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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Hi jhb, your photos are posting upside down because they are too large or wide. Crop a small bit off them before you post and they should come out the right way (Although I'mso used to looking at them upside down I think I'll miss them!!
  2. I've 6 of them.....(MM ones that is)
  3. Fab layout & stock there Noel, looks the part!
  4. I've some pictures here of the 42ft wagon,might help you with the detailing, as for the history, I'll leave that to someone who know about these things!!
  5. Don't get me started......
  6. Ordered models just there, best of luck with yer new adventure & fair play to ye for doing something positive for the model community in Ireland.
  7. Top class finish there, very realistic.
  8. This is from 209, the 'box' around the Radio is the only difference to the other Loco's (apart from it's clean!) this is part of the Enterprise overhaul & modifications that they are doing at the moment.
  9. Is this a modelling forum or a discussion forum? Some of us work in the railways & get enough of this on numerous social, print & broadcasting media outlets as well as from the Public. I'll go to one of these places if I want to know 'what's wrong with' the Railway. MOVE ON!!!!
  10. As requested a few weeks ago, sorry bout the delay..
  11. Please explain...... Driver could be a while writing me thinks .
  12. ...& 187!!
  13. I'll take 192, PM sent
  14. Nice job Tom but it needs mould, grime , cobwebs & rust to make it look like the real 204!!
  15. Some quality work here, where have they been hiding you all this time??
  16. 2015 - Maintenance finally fixed the heater in 4005 that I've been reporting since 2011, unfortunately it's now summer so no use & the air con is broken now
  17. There was a proposal to double head the Mark IV'S a few years ago to improve reliability but became a non- runner because of the weight involved at line speed, Mallow Viaduct being one of the problems.
  18. Love it! I want a man shed, just need a business case to sell to herself!!!!!
  19. Yes Dive, Fuel tank is behind the bogies on the smaller Cab 2 end. Cab 1 has a bigger gap between the side doors & windows.
  20. You learn something new every day!!
  21. Yes, you can walk through the engine room from one Cab to another on one side only, it's noisy,hot & covered in oil in there so not a nice place to stay long in, see pic... The Loco's had to lead with Cab 1 on the Enterprise because of Head-end power at the time so there is no pics of that but should be plenty floating around of Mark IVs
  22. The Loco's were frequently turned the 'wrong way' (Cab 2 end leading) especially when the Mark IV's arrived in the begining . From an operating point of view it didn't make any difference, as both Cab controls are identical, apart from the MU2 Cock which is located in Cab 1 (the bigger Cab) It was the Driver Reps that requested they all be turned correctly (which is done in Limerick Jct) as we felt there was a health & Safety issue when shunting the Mark IV's in the tunnel in Cork, as (a) you had to change Cab ends in a dark, smoky tunnel to switch out/in the MU2 cock in the other Cab when changing direction (b) if all the air in the brake pipes wasn't expended fully, the train would roll while you were changing Cab ends! © The engine is directly behind Cab 2 so noise levels in Cab 2 were a lot louder than Cab 1. It took a while to get them all turned so hence why you can see the mentioned photos. Hope this helps....
  23. You can see what I mean from these two photos & these ones are fairly clean compared to how the were normally kept but you can see what I mean...
  24. I wouldn't worry too much if the Loco was already weathered Kev as IE maintenance usually gave the Loco numbers at the side & front a quick rub of a brush while leaving the rest of the body dirty so if you have a clean 'patch' where your new numbers are it will still look realistic
  25. Good man Noel! Best of luck with it
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