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amdaley last won the day on October 26 2024

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    Model Railways. Soccer.

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  1. I have received notification from Address Pal (An Post) that from 10th March charges are going up. We are writing to inform you of some changes we are making to pricing for the AddressPal service. Changes to pricing for the AddressPal service From 10th of March, the pricing for both the UK and US AddressPal service will change. You can find the full breakdown of the revised pricing below. AddressPal UK Home Delivery Rates effective from 10th March 2025 AddressPal US Home Delivery rates effective from 10th of March 2025 As a valued customer, it’s important that you are aware of these changes, and why they are necessary. These changes will enable An Post to cover the associated rising costs of our operations, so that we can continue to provide the AddressPal service to customers. Questions about the changes For any questions relating to the changes to the AddressPal service please contact the AddressPal team at addresspalsupport@anpost.ie. Thank you, The AddressPal team
      • 3
      • Informative
  2. Yeah
  3. Well he's not going to keep them at my expense
  4. Surely that seller realises that no one in their right mind would pay that amount Sounds like something Gostude would do.
  5. I think some sellers are living in an alternate universe. I've heard of being optimistic but this is just plain crazy https://www.ebay.ie/itm/226337047407
  6. Desperate people will sometimes do stupid things.
  7. Rails price gouging No surprise I suppose.
  8. At least you got a reply, not that it was any good. GLS are just a disaster of a company
  9. Ended at that.
  10. Silicone grease. Something like this.
  11. Yes, it eventually turned up last week. Never got a reply to my emails to GLS which is no surprise. Disaster of a company.
  12. If you look at a motor you will see two brush terminals where the wires from the pickups are connected. You apply DC power to these terminals to see if the motor is active.
  13. With the body off apply power to the motor terminals to see if the motor works. If the motor works then I would look at the pickups. Check the wheels, both thread & back to see if they're clean. Use cotton buds & IPA
  14. Make sure there's power on the track. Check with another loco or multimeter. Are you using Dc or Dcc & is the loco Dc or Dcc ?
  15. Place offer, No offers
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