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  1. Northman


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  3. Don't forget about some N.Ireland buses.
  4. Hi did the the A12 black CIE pull cravens?Thanks in advance.
  5. One on Ebay at the moment: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-gauge-Lima-IE-class-217-Irish-diesel-locomotive-L205018/264679012803?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  6. Toilet roll has now become the new Bitcoin.
  7. The 071/111 can be bought from DCKits for £170 plus postage.
  8. First of all there are no model shops near where I live so I have to depend on items posted and secondly ,you can rant and rave all you want I'm not really bothered.
  9. Why has Marks Models no price on the 121 class?Just wondering.
  10. Antics £149 posted.
  11. I remember my uncle talking about it,the narrow gauge,running from Ballycastle to Ballymoney through my home village of Armoy.The station is still there to be seen.There are still some places where you can still see where the track ran but well over growen.
  12. Is this the Ballycastle in North Antrim you are talking about?
  13. If they don't respond to your satisfaction,report it to ebays resolution centre and tell them the loco was not as described.Cheers.
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