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Irishrailwayman last won the day on August 27 2024

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  • Location
    Wexford, Ireland


  • Biography
    I returned railway modelling in 2002 by joining the Wexford MRC. I have made a large collection of Irish rolling stock eventually developing "Ballybeg" an Irish outline home/exhibition layout in OO. This has been exhibited at 11 exhibitions since 2009 winning Best Scenic and Best in Show prizes in Wexford. I next developed "Llangollen" in N gauge a UK outline "restored" railway based on the prototype in NE Wales which has been shown 11 times (including twice at Bala, N Wales) winning a Best Scenic Award in Wexford. "Shunters Yard" is a OO GWR compact layout and has been shown 6 times. "Cynwyd" in N is based on another Llangollen line prototype station. It has been shown 5 times winning prizes Best N Gauge in Wexford and Best Layout Scenery at SDMRC. "Llanuwchllyn" in N (another Llangollen line prototype station) which made its exhibition debut at Bala, Wales in 2018 and has been shown 4 times. I have developed a compact OO gauge layout "Diesel Depot" which can show Irish or BR outline locomotives. This has been shown 7 times and won Best Layout at Enniskillen. "Buffers Lock" is a GWR ouline layout in O gauge that has won awards twice and has been shown at 3 exhibitions.


  • Interests
    Irish railways (1960 to 2000) and UK (1960 to 1980) outline railway modelling


  • Occupation
    Retired senior manager

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  1. A couple of inspiring layouts in O gauge at GOG's Kettering Exhibition 1st March 2025:
  2. Great selection of layouts at the Model Rail Scotland Exhibition at SEC in Glasgow - visited there on Friday 21st February 2025:
  3. "Llanuwchllyn" has been shown at four exhibitions to date and is booked to appear at the Bala, Wales Exhibition on 20th/21st September 2025. In preparation for this I have added overhead lighting, refreshed the scenery, tested all rolling stock and added DCC controlled background and steam sounds. A couple of photos for the record:
  4. "Shunters Yard" has been shown at six exhibitions to date and is booked to appear at the Ulster MRC Belfast Exhibition in August 2025. In preparation for this, I have added overhead lighting and more details to the layout including point rodding. Additional items of rolling stock have been added including GWR liveried passenger and Express Parcels railcars, a steam railmotor and other items. Light weathering and details have been added to the rolling stock to enhance the realism of the layout. BTW the backscene is Gaugemaster's Ross-on-Wye. A larger version of the same view was used on my O gauge "Buffers Lock" layout! A few pictures of the revamp:
  5. GWR rolling stock now cleaned up, tested and running well on "Cynwyd":
  6. Go for it - it's a great kit. Here's mine on "Ballybeg"...
  7. "Cynwyd" has been away from the exhibition circuit since 2019 so I have refreshed the scenery with static grass, tree foliage and overhead lighting for the 2025 season. I hope to show this layout at North Down MRS's Bangor exhibition. Next up I have to assemble the fiddle-yards and clean/test all rolling stock.
  8. Thanks Noel. I think of Dave McCabe at this time who taught me so much about railways and modelling. The baseboards were made using his techniques as were the electrics. Dave also provided me with input on the trackwork design for "Buffers Lock". Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.
  9. "Buffers Lock" has won the judges' Best in Show Award at the MRSI Dublin Exhibition 2024! This was the layouts fifth public outing and third award. I am honoured and delighted needless to say. Thanks to all who assisted me over the weekend especially my wife Jenna.
  10. Lovely article Noel. A great loss to the railway modelling and sailing communities. A true gentleman and a good friend to all who met him. Rest in peace Dave.
  11. Well done to all at Erne MRC who hosted an enjoyable one-day exhibition at Enniskillen on 21st September 2024. I took in a visit to the Modeller's Corner shop and the impressive Barbers Shop museum of railway artefacts and O gauge model display close to the exhibition hall. A couple of photos from around the hall:
  12. Hi Alan, the Bala Lake Railway is the home of "Alice" (https://bala-lake-railway.co.uk/steam-locos/alice/). They hold a model railway exhibition each year which unfortunately coincides with the Enniskillen Show. We alternate each year and plan to show my "Buffers Lock" at Bala next year. "The Stone Yard" looked great at Enniskillen - have you got DCC sound on board each loco? Best, Gerry & Jenna
  13. "Diesel Depot" in OO gauge got it's 8th Exhibition outing at the Erne MRC Exhibition in Enniskillen this weekend 21st September 2024. This time the layout was displayed in BR blue mode with added overhead lighting for the first time. I had hoped to show the new Accurascale Class 31 but it is still in transit on the high seas from China apparently!
  14. "Buffers Lock" featured at Gauge O Guild's Guildex 2024 exhibition at Stafford last weekend as reported elsewhere on the Forum. I'm including a few extra views here for the record.
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