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The Train Man

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Everything posted by The Train Man

  1. Nor to worry Bos-all the certs are the same!!
  2. Low flying in that black beast of yours.......!!:p:p:p:p
  3. Forgot to add that the NIR Locos, 111 and 8113 are limited editions of only 252 pieces each. When they're gone, they are gone!!! Order yours today!!!
  4. I don't know is the honest answer. Contact Gareth for an update
  5. Hi All Stocks of the latest releases. 077 IE, 085 IE Weathered, 111 NIR and 8113 NIR Will be in stock this evening along with 071 Sound Chips.
  6. Unfortunately Bachmann have ceased production of Class 170 3 car DMU. An excellent base for the Caf 3/4ks and Cl 22000's
  7. .......and a baby wipe!!!
  8. We may await an update from "The Oracle"!!!
  9. Stobart Rail!!!
  10. No Flying Snail-just the number-dark green on a pale green/lime backround
  11. Low relief was an option being explored with Bachmann up until yesterday. Confirmation of full relief was communicated by Bachmann this morning.
  12. As Gareth stated on another thread, the main Irish Retailers are always striving to bring Irish themed product to the marketplace. With this in mind are there any other buildings you would like to see for 2014??? We need your feedback!!!! Please contact: info@modelshopbelfast.com info@marksmodels.com info@themodelshop.ie At this stage nothing is fixed in stone, so put your thinking caps on!!!! Just to clarify the proposed buildings for 2013, Carlow Station, and the as yet unnamed pub will be full relief buildings, as confirmed by Bachmann this morning. http://www.themodelshop.ie info@themodelshop.ie
  13. As Gareth stated in the first post, the main Irish Retailers are always striving to bring Irish themed product to the marketplace. With this in mind are there any other buildings you would like to see for 2014??? We need your feedback!!!! Please contact: info@modelshopbelfast.com info@themodelshop.ie info@marksmodels.com Just to clarify the proposed buildings, Carlow Station, and the as yet unnamed pub will be full relief buildings, as confirmed by Bachmann this morning.
  14. Well done Eamon-looking good!
  15. stunning!! Keep up the great work! The SSM kit really transforms them:tumbsup:
  16. Correct Fran. Two different animals!
  17. Stephen, Standard Hornby Pullmans with interior lighting. Corridors are whitemetal castings. S
  18. Stephen, pics of a commission I did a few years ago. To the best of my recollection the Irish Pullmans had both 1st and third class, though I stand to correction on that.
  19. photos: Eamon Redmond
  20. Lovely work!!
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