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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. Speaking of British motor cars . .
  2. Check this out
  3. The hornby new P2 class is a lovely looking loco, it retails at 135 pounds. I have heard of many people having to re-motor the loco already. It uses the same motor you'd find in a cheap 0-4-0. Hornby rested on their laurels for too long and are now paying the price. They need to limit the range and focus only on quality. The railroad range of stuff would have been a great seller when I was a kid, not now. Its very sad to see the disrepair that brand has fallen into. Is it too late to fix????
  4. Is the decline of hornby not partly due to the absolute rubbish stuff they have been producing lately? I mean some of the train sets/packs are using ancient tooling from triang days and even lima. Even in the train set market is that really good enough?? Personally I am not too fussed on detail because I like to watch train go around, but the market have change dramatically.
  5. I suspect gear problems too, hence the noise
  6. Strange, I have a murphy one and the tender usually derails,especially on bends. Very noisy runner. I'm sure there is a fix but I'm not the most technically minded. . .
  7. JAYSUS. Bit off topic here but has anyone had problems with the Bachmann Wolly (k class) Have some and they just seem to be terrible runners, loud, not smooth, derails, just awful for a modern loco.
  8. Thanks for that. I take they were Mainline? Might just burst the purse strings and get a bachy one. . .
  9. Thanks for that. Didn't bought yet. I'm wondering does the hornby patriot class use a ringfield motor? I've seen the 3 poles upgraded to 5 pole with impressive results. I've just ordered 5 pole armature to swatch out on another old loco.
  10. Cheers for that. Think I'll chance one. They seem to be going for about 35 sterling.
  11. Any thoughts on converting a patriott class to a 800 or a class 400. The mainline ones are going cheap on the bay. Are they any good? ringfield motor?
  12. Fair play.
  13. You bought one for €60?? When was that??
  14. What a shame they never did anything with it. The caretaker there told me that he suspected the wagon had been in use in permanent way maintenance or something similiar towards the end of its life.
  15. Speaking of clifden, some pictures I took recently of the 6 wheel coach there. There is a hole in the side, so got some pics of the inside. Does the lever to the right imply that it was a break coach. I have it on good authority that the coach came up from cork when there were renovating the station house hotel.
  16. Sorry, just saw that previous thread. All questions now answered! Thanks
  17. Cheers for that, means I'll only buy one or two on the ebay so:) Did the dark green pullman carry white stripes or a snail I wonder??
  18. Thanks for that. I reckon they'd look great behind an 800 or the like. Has anyone any pics of the Irish pullmans???
  19. Cheers, must get me some and spray them green:D Another one - hornby 2 axle timber wagon? suitable for an Irish layout?
  20. Few obvious ones . . Roco V65 - K Class Bach/Hornby Class 08 - D Class Can anyone tell me are hornby pullmans reasonable as Irish pullmans??
  21. Happy Christmas everybody! hopefully the wind down can start soon. Very busy the last couple of months so not much time for playing with trains. Hopefully Santie won't forget me . . . .
  22. Pics of refurbished coaches here now http://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-news/first-look-at-irelands-orient-express-carriages-in-refurbishment-34304841.html
  23. Recent trip to Budapest - they have their own miniature wunderland called Miniversum. Some pics. Given the countries history it had some interesting communist era inspired dioramas.
  24. Who ya gonna call?
  25. Great stories guys! Im lovin it. Don't have any myself:( As a child I remember a movie called 'sometimes they come back' based on a stephen king novel. Had a ghost train in it - scared the bejesus out of me
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