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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. I know, terrible Carina-on from everyone!
  2. If these car puns don't now ye'll have to be escort-ed away from the forum.
  3. I drive a 20 year old toyota, still drives great. The GM of the car world perhaps.
  4. This thread got me messing around yesterday. Made my own track cleaner using a hornby lowmac. The thing is already very close to the track and has room for weights. I just used some foam and some lighter fluid. The space under the lowmac was tight enough to stop the foam from moving without any fixtures which meant I could swap it out for a fresh piece easily. It did a reasonable job.
  5. I hear ya. I picked up a Lima 201 back in the day when they were worth money. Someone had hand weathered it with brown enamel. Oh the humanity!!
  6. they be nice, but pricey. 150 sterling.
  7. Anyone from this parish in this video http://www.rte.ie/archives/2016/1024/826447-model-railway-exhibition/
  8. In relation to the UK market - The Dapol Black label A4 looks mega.
  9. Have to agree. This recent one looks like it was pulled straight from a 1960's tri-ang catalogue. But I guess that's why hornby are in rapid decline.
  10. I re-motored 2 of my class 33's with the CD-rom motor. 1 turned out very well and is very smooth and quiet. The other is just as noisy and rough.The crude lima mouldings on the cogs/gears often had plastic burrs left behind, some reckon this it what gives them the classic grinding noise.
  11. I hear ya. Still seems expensive for what they describe themselves as 'a corruption'.
  12. Came across this. We really have to thank MM models. Look at the price tag on this thing.
  13. Savage Cabbage. Very impressive.
  14. Was on a the Sauschwaenzlebahn in Germany a few years ago during a blistering summer. Quite enjoyed the smell and the panic to close the windows every time the train approached a tunnel
  15. Cheers for that. Love the idea of live steam stinking out the house!
  16. Ali express has lots of train accessories but no locos really. I wonder why. They have plenty of HO static models that are fairly inexpensive. I order one just to see what the whole aliexpress experience is like. 20 dollars.
  17. Bargain here for 8 grand is you have it handy.
  18. What scale are those Mamods? G? The one above is HO.
  19. Has anyone ever bought from alibaba. Live steam loco here that would look lovely in the garden. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Model-Train-ho-scale-Live-Steam-butane-fired-steam-driven-machine-aesthetic-Train-Free-Shipping/32533665062.html?spm=2114.10010108.1000013.6.cVjoUb&scm=1007.13339.33317.0&pvid=ca7daef9-33ce-4957-8951-3ec862c7076b&tpp=1
  20. Love it.
  21. Awesome. What a beast.
  22. Beautiful backdrop in Dingle for sale. 7ft x 1ft approx. Never used. High resolution images. PVC foam - board, rigid. 50euros to good home. I don't think this can be posted unless I could get a very long envelope. So collection may be required.
  23. Hi, For sale - hornby foam underlay - used once briefly. In VGC. I think this was 4 or 5 roles orginally. 35europes inc postage to the lucky buyer!
  24. Would be fascinating to see those. I only remember the matchbox ones from the 80's!
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