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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. Dart-esque, readily available on the bay.
  2. I've often thought about doing an N gauge Irish layout. Surely British outline professionally repainted would be quite acceptable given the scale. Patriot Class, Fowlers, 08 diesel. I have a shapeways body shell for a 141 that looks reasonable.
  3. Merging with Oxford http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/10/03/hornby-steams-towards-merger-model-train-maker-names-new-boss/
  4. For my sins I've had a few Eye-talian cars. I had a Fiat that burst into flames. I was grand and warm waiting for help. Love seeing those old Joeuf sets, just for for the slight weirdness of them if nothing else. Keep it up Dave!
  5. Jaysus, that's a rare one. Kinda reminds me of an older lady with only one eyebrow painted on. . .
  6. Turf burner anyone? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gauge-1-1-32-Scale-Bullied-Irish-CIE-Turfburner-Body-Collection-only-/222630014035?hash=item33d5c86c53:g:IE0AAOSwE~NZqB5v
  7. Hi, Here is all you need to know about servicing a lima motor. Otherwise you can buy a remotoring kit. These in my experience have very mixed results. http://www.hakanpaa.net/susumotor_en.htm
  8. Cheers Dave
  9. Thanks for that Colin
  10. Thanks Colin and Dave for your help. Based in Galway I'm afraid. It's a Rivarossi Hudson and would be shame to let it go to scrap. Do Mark's Models do a repair service?
  11. Cheers for that Colin. The loco isn't wired to the tender so it may need to be wired rather than trusting the connecting pins? I've cleaned all the pick ups etc but to no avail.
  12. Morning, Does anyone here do a repair service or would be interested in looking at a loco for me, a paying gig of course. I have a rivarossi 4-6-4 that needs attention. The motor is ok, but the pick ups in the tender are not always supplying power to the motor. I can't figure it out. Thanks.
  13. This fella has some Irish items which seem to be making money http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lima-305340-Irish-Rail-Coach-Pack-3-Coaches-Boxed-OO-Gauge-Collectors-item/201986704567?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  14. I've said it before, that really is a lovely job.
  15. Care to share any pictures of your nightmares:)
  16. Hi, Has anyone repainted any American GM-EMD locos into Irish colours over the years,I know some people have repainted switchers to look like a 121. I have and SD9 lying idle that I might paint in yankie grey with yellow snails just for fun. Would be a fairly easy job I reckon. Anyone?
  17. Same place alright. Bit of a video of when I was there.
  18. That's miniature wunderland, incredible place.
  19. Thanks, I've modified some playmobil stuff also so I'll post some pictures of that. In relation to the statue - I sent the missus to garden centre with my card under strict instruction to get a very nice statue of an 'oyster girl' I had my eye on. She came back with Michelangelo's unmentionables. Every morning I look out the window I am now greeted by a cock and balls. Wonderful.
  20. Yeah, it got me thinking that we are the oddballs with OO, strange really.
  21. I picked up one of those wagons (not with sundries on the side) with the OO couplings, quite like the length of it, I'll put it behind something.
  22. Jays, all the British HO tooling must have been chucked so. I wonder is there anyone modelling British outline in HO? Some of the plank wagons are tiny. You could nearly repurpose them as narrow gauge.
  23. Picked up some Irish Lima HO stuff recently. When you put it beside the OO stuff the size difference is quite astonishing. I don't know much about manufacturing, did they have to re-tool all of the HO stuff??
  24. Lovely work there. Love the IR logo on the maroon.
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