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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. Yeah it's funny - I always liked the little dock shunter too for some reason, I think it resonates with inner child. My homemade elderflower wine is very good at attracting fruit flies and especially good at exploding if you decide to go away for the weekend.
  2. Will bear that in mind. It's bad enough that my homemade wine explodes from time to time.
  3. Cheers Colin, Im gonna try oven cleaner and see if the chemist has some pure alcohol. Thanks for your help. I'll keep ye posted.
  4. Thanks Eoin, all might not be lost. All get the oven cleaner and give it a go! Also the little triang dock shunter has been on my wish list for ages. I must pick one up and give it a faux Irish treatment. What are your plans for that one?
  5. I'm starting to think that it might be knackered because it's oil based paint on plastic. Someone else mentioned tar remover, the stuff you might use on a plastic car bumper.
  6. Cheers - I'll try the oven cleaner but I imagine if the cillit bang didn't work than the oven cleaner might not work. I am no chemist but I imagine they have similar ingredients. Something I noticed in the supermarket last night was that a lot cleaning products don't list what's actually in them. The paint stripper I used the change the colour of my front door would work given that the paint is oil based but I imagine it would dissolve the body shell also!
  7. Hi Colin, Cheers for that. Nail polish remover is made with IPA and that didn't work - unless industrial alcohol is a stronger concentration. I scrubbed it after soaking in the nail polish remover with a toothbrush but the paint has gone gloopy and sticky rather than breaking down fully. I believe lighter fluid is mostly IPA and it's cheaply available in my local poundshop. I'll keep trying. . . .
  8. Thanks for that. I need to go to motor store anyway so I'll pick up some brake fluid. I thought about the oven cleaner but surely cillit bang has similar properties? If i come home with anymore cleaning products the missus will think I have gone strange. The internet mentioned using dettol but I am not so sure. It was cheap yellow motor paint, awful stuff, should have known better. Cheers.
  9. I'm sure this has been answered before so my apologies. I've sprayed something with yellow motor paint and have made a balls of it (an inspection car type thing). I have tried nail polish remover, white spirit and cillit bang but the paint seem to be made of Kryptonite and won't budge. Any suggestions? Cheers.
  10. Cheers lad, I had seen some of the Westrail stuff before and had forgotten about it. Would be a nice project for someone given that the colour scheme is fairly simple.
  11. I see. I thought Westrail as a blood custard type livery?
  12. Nearly looks like the green was applied after the orange which couldn't be the case.
  13. Ah jaysus, Hold on till I get me glasses.
  14. Nice pic from Dunsandle at the weekend. Anyone got a paint scraper handy?
  15. Panasonic are doing a 4K camcorder for about 700euro, it looks and good and would have easy point and shoot operation versus a DSLR. I make short movies and I'll be shooting my next one on a DSLR, rather than a camcorder. I shot this recently on a DLSR and you can see the problem with the depth of field on close ups, no problem with medium to wide shots.
  16. Ah yes, I remember the panic buying of the 141's. Around the same time Jouef stuff was going for mad money. Things have changes so much in the last few years.
  17. DSLRS are great for video, a lot of short movies are shot on DSLRS. The problem is the depth of field which is very narrow when you are shooting small things close up - like trains. On wide or medium shots they will always have the edge over a phone because of the lens is much better. I've made quite a few shorts films using HD camcorders which are great all rounders for easy point and shoot operation.
  18. As does the word 'few' common uses can include 'going out for a few' or 'sure I've only had a few' 'few' also is a common unit of measurement denoting an unquantifiable volume of ale or spirits.
  19. Points out to the stairs in case I can't find my way after a few jars.
  20. Still a classic . .
  21. No Image there Dave, which lot number was it? I wasn't at the auction myself I was on the phone. Was it busy??
  22. Oh yes, it's mine now! Lot 88.
  23. Was down for the viewing yesterday. Nice stuff. Some of the estimates seem very low, there was a few punters around that seemed very interested. I have left an absentee bid on an item that shall remain nameless. Auction house is immediately opposite the entrance for Birr Castle so had a lovely ramble around there also.
  24. Living in Loughrea so I'm gonna pop down tomorrow for a look. There one or two thing that take my fancy.
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