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GSR 800

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Posts posted by GSR 800

  1. Correct, minister.


    As a parallel but separate issue is the fact that it does seem fairly clear that official standards are lacking - or else the public's perception is. Both have one common denominator - the education system. Either teach it correctly and effectively, or give it up....


    "Conas a tu ta" still gets a few laughs in the classroom!

  2. They absolutely weren't, Minister! While the GSR was still solvent and a private company, it was clear that things weren't getting any better for them financially, and the government gave them little option. Obviously, they also took over the Dublin United Tramways Co., though this WAS solvent.


    Sometimes governments can put pressure on private companies without actually taking them over. However, the GSR directors apparently were being convinced that by taking on these two other entities, all might be good....

    The canal was doomed once railways came to Ireland. Didn't One of the companies propose draining a canal and lay then track on the canal route?

  3. Just recalling a snippet from the McNeill/Murray history of the GS&WR, that the board of the GS&W approached the new Irish govt for aid in the aftermath of the Civil War, giving more or less an ultimatum that they were prepared to close down the entire system such were the losses incurred.


    Wonder how serious they were about that?

    Could have just been a plan to intimidate the government into funding, like what the GNR did in 53,except (both) governments took them more serously. I think JB might know more about that then me..

  4. Well, if Ireland had remained a single jurisdiction, no border would have meant one owner nationally, whether under Irish or British rule. So no NCC, no GNR, no CDRJC, no BCDR, no GSWR, no CBSCR, no MGWR etc...


    Either an all Ireland UTA (in which case they probably have closed everything but Dublin - Cork) or an all Ireland CIE, meaning in either case standard designs across the island. The entire railway history would have been completely different.


    141s into Derry, MPD cars in West Cork..... anything.


    But would it be a state owned company, or a GSR type company. Great Irish Railways?

  5. Working signals whether semaphore or light always add a great extra dimension of reality to a layout.


    One of the unique things at Tara Junction is seeing a carriage going round with a model of "The Wanderer", camera in hand, standing at an open door window in one vestibule of a Craven!

    Your joking! Pics please! Unless I have been tricked..

  6. Guys, I know I'm not a moderator but can we PLEASE get back on topic which is about the UG and U class. Has anyone found out if you can buy them unpainted? I would rather paint my own to keep costs down.

    I sent them an inquiry about that Nelson, hopefully they will get back

  7. Nonsense? I think you should mind your manners there Harry. No problems with differing opinions, but manners cost nothing, unlike tooling of a RTR locomotive. €150,000 for an obscure prototype who someone is working to make a kit of would be commercial suicide.


    As for the J15s, yes a minefield of variants but modular tooling and planning would allow to cater for the more popular types. Make a hell more sense than doing 461.

    you could just do a J15 from early years, then one or two types in the GSR era, and the rest in CIE and preservation era, maybe 6-7 variants when brought down to that?

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