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Everything posted by 16miller

  1. What is the current loading gauge on both companies, and what's the height of the chimney top, whistle and safety valves. I'm hearing about thoughts of height, but very little actual dimensions to gauge it properly.
  2. Is the chimney a separate casting? What you're saying is exactly what I said. I doubt if the chimney is built into the smokebox, it'll be a casting bolted on. Rather than say 'It can't go under bridges', say 'what can be done to get it under bridges?'
  3. Has it been measured to the current loading gauge? Could a new chimney be cast? The problem with preservation here is that there are plenty who say 'It can't be done', and very few who say 'How could it be done?'.
  4. The first thing would be to obtain the current loading gauge for the two railway companies and measure the engine. If anything was out of gauge could it be mounted a different way or elsewhere on the engine? Then find out if the axleweight is within tolerances. Having satisfied ourselves that it could move on the rails, it would require an examination. Would the museum allow an examination? There are things that could be done to see if it was feasible, and gauge what sort of finance would be required.
  5. Hi Paul, I model 16mm/1ft scale in Lisburn. I know there's a small difference but the larger scale narrow gauge world is very accommodating.
  6. Even amateurs should be able to see who has more tables than they ordered and remove as required. There won't be a next time, because that's me finished exhibiting 16mm scale in Ireland.
  7. And YOU have assumed here too. I was there an HOUR before it opened, others were setting up as well. As you were there on Friday, did you see who took them? I was there at 9.00 on Saturday, I have a life, a family and a job that entails shift work, so a Friday set up is unpractical. I did seek out an NDMRS person, who got me some tables, but not enough to run on. The tables I had ordered were gone, it was the replacements that were unsuitable. I wouldn't take tables that weren't belonging to me, but somebody in the hall did. If that's the mindset that's coming into railway modelling, then I'd rather be out of it. A reply to my email that I sent to the organisers on Sunday would be welcome.
  8. Blaine, yes, that's the reason. I can't remember if I informed them, as Saturday morning is a setting up time, and I was there shortly after the opening time for setting up. But that does not negate the onus on the organisers to ensure all exhibitors have what they requested. Either another exhibitor stole my tables, or they were never ordered. I emailed the show organiser on Sunday night, still waiting for a reply.
  9. My experience at the weekend doesn't match everyone else's. I arrived to set up on Saturday morning to find my tables weren't there. I'd ordered 3, enough to lay two ovals in my gauge. Three smaller tables were obtained, but they were smaller and I wasn't able to run. I had put a lot of work in to be ready, and I felt insulted.
  10. How many of you wish to see my 16mm models, admittedly Irish NG inspired but with the occasional genuine reproduction?
  11. Jnb, bring it to Bangor for a run!
  12. Or at my display, it'l be easily found, this banner will be above it!
  13. I'l be there with my Irish inspired models, and newly acquired Phoenix. https://www.ndmrs.co.uk/exhibition.html
  14. Am I the only 16mm Modeller on here?
  15. Surprised at 77 views and no comments!
  16. More stock for Killymard! I was given Phoenix, she requires a motor. The Loco is Kerr Stuart inspired, a what might of been for the Donegal. The coach is a Director' saloon, like all my coaches, card built. The final picture was taken at the last North Down Model Show.
  17. Tried that, It won't let me. Hence my posting that I still have trouble.
  18. It's not easy or straightforward? What sort of forum is this?
  19. I'm having problems uploading uploading pictures as well.
  20. I didn't realise surrealism was required to post. A smell of petroleum prevails throughout
  21. That's a myth! A complete set, as a kit, granted, can be bought for less than a sound equipped DCC OO loco.
  22. Hi. Any curves?
  23. Hi Would anyone have Lehmann 45 mm plastic track? Thanks
  24. I've put the pics from the weekend on my FB site. https://www.facebook.com/KillymardElectricMineRailway/
  25. I'll be there with my 16mm Narrow Gauge models. I'll be with the DCDR.
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