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Everything posted by Northwest141

  1. postage is normal irish rates the postage quoted is for overseas i belive
  2. Might be of some intrest to members if posted in wrong section apoligies e bay item number 191871708155
  3. Theese are now sold thanks
  4. For Sale 6 x Bachmann Irish Rail Auto Ballasters { unused } Brand new in boxes 140.00 each or 800 for the six i will not split the set no offers thanks
  5. Yes Craven Great Days They were Aboard the friday tralee train , heading for a weekend of Puck Fair Dinking a Harp at the Bar , and Sally o Brien in the corner , and the way she might look at ya ahh memories
  6. https://www.flickr.com/photos/62132709@N04/sets/72157627638240655/with/6187723816/ compilments of Rud Rail on Flickr:tumbsup:
  7. Yes Waterford Signal Box i hope they preserve that
  8. Some Nice Pics Here http://steverabone.com/RailwayPhotographs/ireland_1984.htm
  9. Northwest141

    New Website

    Excellent Dave
  10. Hi jhb thanks yes they are nice and detailed pity the eyesight is kaput , hence the switch to OO Gauge
  11. Bank holiday N Gauge Time
  12. Nice Set here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Murphy-Silver-Fox-Models-IE-Craven-Irish-C-Class-1544-1523-1515-1508-1504-1533-/201571711258?hash=item2eee9c391a:g:s28AAOSw5b1XI19J
  13. Hi, just wondering if anybody has some spare kadee#19 couplers that they would part with if you have some spares , please give me a shout thanks
  14. Excellent use of a Caravan Fast Forward to 15.56 or just watch the whole thing
  15. Stunning , Some people are just gifted
  16. hi rich yes i was looking into it , i think i will go with a lenz , it might cost a few euro more in the long run . might be just too much work with the digitrax i was looking here and i think irishtump has a post on fitting the lenz the digitrax seemed a cheap option , but as the saying goes , you get what you pay for i remember fitting a digitrax sound to a Atlas N Scale loco and had terible probs had to buy a booster in the end to get it working olivias trains i think is my best bet for the sound decoder for the 141 cant make the show in bangor this weekend , probably would have picked one up there.
  17. Masterchef with a twist http://www.breakingnews.ie/discover/londons-first-naked-restaurant-is-offering-a-dining-experience-like-no-other-730760.html
  18. Hi jhb yes some nice shots there thought it might be of intrest to some folks on here
  19. Came across this today some nice pic,s of times past Thumbs up to Ernie Brack
  20. Hi Dhu Varren what i was thinking of doing was changing the speaker , to a smaller one , and see how that goes and yes it does plug into an existing decoder , and as you both said , space is tight might just give it a go and see what happens. a project for a weekend if it fails , im sure i will find a use for the soundbug somewhere alongthe line thanks for your thoughts on it lads
  21. Hi IrishThump no pics , it was just a thought , reason being if it worked out it would be ideal for messing about with sounds i suppose the best thing to do is go ahed and get one and see the outcome you are exactly right , its the space issue that concerns me its pretty tight in there ,im nearly sure the adapters are tiny , it might be worth a shot
  22. Hi Folks can anybody shed some light on the fitting of a Digitrax SF006 to a 141, via a 21 pin to 8 pin adapter . The dcc sound decoder comes pre-loaded with sounds , but sounds are possible to change and mix and match through a digitrax PR3 any ideas ? thanks
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