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Sean last won the day on October 31 2023

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  1. Sean

    Irm wagons

  2. Hey guys, Ordered a few packs on thursday and got the shipped notification on friday morning. according to the tracking page GLS have not yet collected the parcel, im not in a mad rush to get these but I just wanna check is this normal? Sean
  3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/23934652306/?hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&multi_permalinks=10159741897557307 if you are on facefook then this group comes recommended, your pictures reminded me of it.
  4. Sean


    Personally derek id be handing that back under warranty
  5. Sean


    I believe its running in DC mode and you need to install a decoder. if your controller has a dc channel it will run on that but beware that the noise is caused by the motor recieving a full track voltage whilst pwm is keeping it stationary and the motors tend to get quite hot as a byproduct of running in this state which can shorten their lives significantly. Most would not recommend it.
  6. seems to be multiple sellers with multiples of each item in stock
  7. Didnt we have a similar sort of discussion a couple of years ago when some chinese 201's appeared on ebay? I was new at the time
  8. forgot theres no trains in gran canaria IS THAT BETTER!!?!?! on tour with two mixers
  9. What'er'u Sayin?
  10. The bogies are screwed on to both coaches but i couldnt be arsed taking them off to mine to see if they interchange
  11. running mine tomorrow but as usual the permenant way is in need of a bit of tlc before anything will be able to run MMMMMM RPSI Black and Tan run
  12. not the best of photos but they get the job done lol had not planned on running these for a little while - now its a priority over the next few days Seems i still need a mk2d and another brake to complete the rake - when are these coming out?
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