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banntry last won the day on June 9 2019

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  1. Latest update on Bantry- a few pics taken at last nights Club meeting. Mick's signals are a bit special.
  2. Selection of latest photos of Bantry taken at the club last night. A couple of shots show the excellent signal scratch built by Mick-superb job.
  3. Have taken a couple more photos from last nights meeting. We have added the Engine Shed and Tank and blended them in with the scenery.
  4. Long time no posts. Hope everybody is well. Here are a couple of photos taken last night at Sleaford Model Railway Club Night. This is the board that has had the most work done. Hopefully next week we will add all buildings on this and start on the other boards.
  5. Hi Mick thanks for that. Hope we can run Bantry this Autumn-fingers crossed but probably will be next year. it will be walkie talkies from one end to the other! C class glazing sounds a bit fiddly to me but I bet it looks great. Hi Jim hope all is well with you I get my chinchilla dust from a secret factory in darkest Lincolnshire-the workers get the chinchillas to shake the dust off themselves as they come through the door They then bag it up! Just a thought with a name like chinchilla they would be good for cooling your face in hot weather!
  6. The pink and white buildings are card surface coated with shellac first. Then when dry I laid the wall face up. I then painted them with 1) Pink chalk effect pink paint then while wet sprinkled with chinchilla dust, (sieved through a nylon pop sock-not mine!)most stays on the paint and is left to dry overnight. When dry shake off stand building upright and any dust that has not stuck will obviously drop off. You can go over any "bald" area by sprinkling sieved chinchilla dust on the patches and paint over the dust with the pink paint. I was worried that the effect might be ruined by doing this but it works. The cream/white is Sandtex paint applied as above. Gordon Gravett uses chinchilla dust for ground surfaces but I found it very effective for buildings Hope this helps-anything else you need to know please ask. I believe the effect is pebble dashing Thanks for kind words
  7. This is the photo of the actual houses taken in March 1961 Photo not very clear but you can see them!
  8. Long time no post but here we go. Pictures of our latest buildings on Bantry-complete apart from weathering and shop sign etc. These houses will hide the fiddleyard
  9. Lovely work all round as usual David
  10. Top class modelling - well done
  11. I was aiming for that . I thought the date and time came out well! Next time I will clean the lens!
  12. Great little film have forwarded o to Bantry members!
  13. We have been busy adding Mod Roc and starting to sort more of the scenic side out on Bantry. We have had a lot of great help from Mike and Andrew Sharpe( Two club members) on the electrics Turntable has been tested and works!! Have attached a couple of recent pics.
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